Václav Škarpich
Václav Škarpich
Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava
E-mailová adresa ověřena na: - Domovská stránka
Complex transformation of the geomorphic regime of channels in the forefield of the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts.: Case study of the Morávka River (Czech Republic)
V Škarpich, J Hradecký, R Dušek
Catena 111, 25-40, 2013
Effect of grade-control structures at various stages of their destruction on bed sediments and local channel parameters
T Galia, V Škarpich, J Hradecký, Z Přibyla
Geomorphology 253, 305-317, 2016
Cosmogenic age constraints on post-LGM catastrophic rock slope failures in the Tatra Mountains (Western Carpathians)
T Pánek, Z Engel, P Mentlík, R Braucher, M Břežný, V Škarpich, ...
Catena 138, 52-67, 2016
Impact of check dam series on coarse sediment connectivity
T Galia, V Škarpich, S Ruman
Geomorphology 377, 107595, 2021
Regional, tree-ring based chronology of landslides in the Outer Western Carpathians
K Šilhán, R Tichavský, V Škarpich, M Břežný, M Stoffel
Geomorphology 321, 33-44, 2018
Do the coarsest bed fractions and stream power record contemporary trends in steep headwater channels?
T Galia, V Škarpich
Geomorphology 272, 115-126, 2016
Understanding complex slope deformation through tree-ring analyses
K Šilhán, R Tichavský, A Fabiánová, V Chalupa, O Chalupová, V Škarpich, ...
Science of the Total Environment 665, 1083-1094, 2019
Characteristics of large wood in a headwater channel after an extraordinary event: The roles of transport agents and check dams
T Galia, R Tichavský, V Škarpich, K Šilhán
Catena 165, 537-550, 2018
Antropogenní impakt a jeho odezva v morfologii koryt beskydských štěrkonosných toků: příkladová studie řeky Ostravice, Česko
V Škarpich, T Galia, J Hradecký, Z Kašpárek
The geomorphic impacts of culverts at paved forest roads: Examples from Carpathian headwater channels, Czech Republic
T Galia, K Šilhán, V Škarpich
Catena 157, 424-435, 2017
The effects of river patterns on riparian vegetation: A comparison of anabranching and single-thread incised channels
V Škarpich, M Horáček, T Galia, V Kapustová, V Šala
Moravian Geographical Reports 24 (3), 24-31, 2016
Identifikace (dis) konektivit vodních toků za využití makrogranulometrické analýzy korytových sedimentů (Moravskoslezské Beskydy)
V Škarpich, T Galia, J Hradecký, J Peč
Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku 17 (1-2), 2010
Response of Bed Sediments on the Grade‐Control Structure Management of a Small Piedmont Stream
T Galia, V Škarpich
River Research and Applications 33 (4), 483-494, 2017
Bedload sediment transport in connection with the geomorphological transition of gravel-bed streams in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mountains
T Galia, V Skarpich, J Hradecky
Geografie 117 (1), 95-109, 2012
Hydrogeomorphic activity in ungauged Mediterranean gorges: Specifics of tree ring data-based study
K Šilhán, R Tichavský, T Galia, V Škarpich
Catena 167, 90-99, 2018
Use of high-water marks and effective discharge calculation to optimize the height of bank revetments in an incised river channel
B Wyżga, A Radecki-Pawlik, T Galia, K Plesiński, V Škarpich, R Dušek
Geomorphology 356, 107098, 2020
Drivers of variability in large wood loads along the fluvial continuum of a Mediterranean intermittent river
T Galia, T Macurová, L Vardakas, V Škarpich, T Matušková, E Kalogianni
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45 (9), 2048-2062, 2020
Check dams decrease the channel complexity of intermediate reaches in the Western Carpathians (Czech Republic)
T Galia, V Škarpich, S Ruman, T Macurová
Science of the Total Environment 662, 881-894, 2019
Connectivity of the coarsest fraction in headwater channels: imprints of fluvial processes and debris‐flow activity
T Galia, V Škarpich, J Hradecký
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 97 (3), 437-452, 2015
Structure and genesis of the quaternary filling of the Slavíč River valley (Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts., Czech Republic)
V Škarpich, J Hradecký, P Tábořík
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