Catalina Mourgues
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Expresión y reconocimiento de emociones: un punto de encuentro entre evolución, psicofisiología y neurociencias
AM Fernandez, M Dufey, C Mourgues
Revista Chilena de Neuropsicología 2 (1), 8-20, 2007
Orthographic processing is a key predictor of reading fluency in good and poor readers in a transparent orthography
NV Rakhlin, C Mourgues, C Cardoso-Martins, AN Kornev, EL Grigorenko
Contemporary Educational Psychology 56, 250-261, 2019
Using creativity to predict future academic performance: An application of Aurora's five subtests for creativity
C Mourgues, M Tan, S Hein, JG Elliott, EL Grigorenko
Learning and individual differences 51, 378-386, 2016
Family Communication in Long-Term Care During a Pandemic: Lessons for Enhancing Emotional Experiences
JK Monin, T Ali, S Syed, A Piechota, M Lepore, C Mourgues, JE Gaugler, ...
The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 28 (12), 1299-1307, 2020
How does creative giftedness differ from academic giftedness? A multidimensional conception
F Zenasni, C Mourgues, J Nelson, C Muter, N Myszkowski
Learning and Individual Differences 52, 216-223, 2016
Differences in Judgments of Creativity: How Do Academic Domain, Personality, and Self-Reported Creativity Influence Novice Judges’ Evaluations of Creative Productions?
M Tan, C Mourgues, S Hein, J MacCormick, B Barbot, E Grigorenko
Journal of Intelligence 3 (3), 73-90, 2015
Reading skills, creativity, and insight: Exploring the connections
CV Mourgues, DD Preiss, EL Grigorenko
The Spanish Journal of Psychology 17, E58, 2014
ADHD children outperform normal children in an artificial grammar implicit learning task: ERP and RT evidence
R Rosas, F Ceric, M Tenorio, C Mourgues, C Thibaut, E Hurtado, ...
Consciousness and cognition 19 (1), 341-351, 2010
The relationship between analytical and creative cognitive skills from middle childhood to adolescence: Testing the threshold theory in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
CV Mourgues, M Tan, S Hein, K Al-Harbi, A Aljughaiman, EL Grigorenko
Learning and Individual Differences 52, 137-147, 2016
The interaction between culture and the development of creativity.
C Mourgues, B Barbot, M Tan, EL Grigorenko
Oxford University Press, 2015
Paired associate learning tasks and their contribution to reading skills
C Mourgues, M Tan, S Hein, E Ojanen, J Reich, H Lyytinen, ...
Learning and individual differences 46, 54-63, 2016
Conditioned hallucinations and prior overweighting are state-sensitive markers of hallucination susceptibility
E Kafadar, VL Fisher, B Quagan, A Hammer, H Jaeger, C Mourgues, ...
Biological Psychiatry 92 (10), 772-780, 2022
Assessment of the behavioral inhibition system and the behavioral approach system: Adaptation and validation of the Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward …
M Dufey, AM Fernández, C Mourgues
The Spanish journal of psychology 14 (1), 432-440, 2011
Making numbers come to life: Two scoring methods for creativity in Aurora's Cartoon Numbers
M Tan, C Mourgues, DS Bolden, EL Grigorenko
The Journal of Creative Behavior 48 (1), 25-43, 2014
Development of the PSYCHS: Positive SYmptoms and Diagnostic Criteria for the CAARMS Harmonized with the SIPS
SW Woods, S Parker, MJ Kerr, BC Walsh, SA Wijtenburg, N Prunier, ...
Early Intervention in Psychiatry 18 (4), 255-272, 2024
Measuring metaphors: Concreteness and similarity in metaphor comprehension and gifted identification
M Tan, B Barbot, C Mourgues, EL Grigorenko
Educational & Child Psychology 30 (2), 89-100, 2013
Dynamic assessment and computerized adaptive tests in reading processes.
JJ Navarro, CV Mourgues-Codern
Journal of Cognitive Education & Psychology 17 (1), 2018
Integrating curriculum-based dynamic assessment in computerized adaptive testing: Development and predictive validity of the EDPL-BAI battery on reading competence
JJ Navarro, C Mourgues-Codern, E Guzmán, IR Rodríguez-Ortiz, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 1492, 2018
Commentary. Toward a core outcomes assessment set for clinical high risk
SW Woods, CV Mourgues-Codern, AR Powers III
Schizophrenia research 227, 78-80, 2021
The role of noncognitive factors in predicting academic trajectories of high school students in a selective private school
CV Mourgues, S Hein, M Tan, R Diffley III, EL Grigorenko
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2016
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Articles 1–20