Ivan Pechenezhskiy
Digital Coherent Control of a Superconducting Qubit
E Leonard Jr, MA Beck, J Nelson, BG Christensen, T Thorbeck, ...
Physical Review Applied 11, 014009, 2019
The superconducting quasicharge qubit
IV Pechenezhskiy, RA Mencia, LB Nguyen, YH Lin, VE Manucharyan
Nature 585 (7825), 368-371, 2020
Measurement of a superconducting qubit with a microwave photon counter
A Opremcak, IV Pechenezhskiy, C Howington, BG Christensen, MA Beck, ...
Science 361 (6408), 1239-1242, 2018
Phonon-mediated quasiparticle poisoning of superconducting microwave resonators
U Patel, IV Pechenezhskiy, BLT Plourde, MG Vavilov, R McDermott
Physical Review B 96 (22), 220501, 2017
Photocurrent and photovoltage oscillations in the two-dimensional electron system: Enhancement and suppression of built-in electric fields
SI Dorozhkin, IV Pechenezhskiy, LN Pfeiffer, KW West, V Umansky, ...
Physical Review Letters 102 (3), 036602, 2009
Fractional features in radiation-induced oscillations of the magnetoresistance of two-dimensional electron systems
IV Pechenezhskiĭ, SI Dorozhkin, IA Dmitriev
JETP Letters 85 (1), 86-91, 2007
Microwave-activated controlled-Z gate for fixed-frequency fluxonium qubits
KN Nesterov, IV Pechenezhskiy, C Wang, VE Manucharyan, MG Vavilov
Physical Review A 98, 030301(R), 2018
Self-assembly and photomechanical switching of an azobenzene derivative on GaAs (110): scanning tunneling microscopy study
IV Pechenezhskiy, J Cho, GD Nguyen, L Berbil-Bautista, BL Giles, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (1), 1052-1055, 2012
Infrared Spectroscopy of Molecular Submonolayers on Surfaces by Infrared Scanning Tunneling Microscopy: Tetramantane on Au (111)
IV Pechenezhskiy, X Hong, GD Nguyen, JEP Dahl, RMK Carlson, F Wang, ...
Physical Review Letters 111 (12), 126101, 2013
Single-Molecule-Resolved Structural Changes Induced by Temperature and Light in Surface-Bound Organometallic Molecules Designed for Energy Storage
J Cho, L Berbil-Bautista, IV Pechenezhskiy, N Levy, SK Meier, ...
ACS Nano 5, 3701–3706, 2011
Coexistence of collective and single-particle effects in the photoresponse of a 2D electron gas to microwave radiation
SI Dorozhkin, AA Bykov, IV Pechenezhskiĭ, AK Bakarov
JETP Letters 85 (11), 576-580, 2007
System and method for controlling superconducting qubits
MG Vavilov, K Nesterov, V Manucharyan, I Pechenezhskiy, C Wang
US Patent 10,572,816, 2020
Intermolecular interactions and substrate effects for an adamantane monolayer on a Au (111) surface
Y Sakai, GD Nguyen, RB Capaz, S Coh, IV Pechenezhskiy, X Hong, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (23), 235407, 2013
Counting statistics of microwave photons in circuit QED
KN Nesterov, IV Pechenezhskiy, MG Vavilov
Physical Review A 101 (5), 052321, 2020
Modeling Phonon-mediated Quasiparticle Poisoning in Superconducting Qubit Arrays
E Yelton, CP Larson, V Iaia, K Dodge, G La Magna, PG Baity, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.15471, 2024
Measurement-induced state transitions in dispersive qubit-readout schemes
KN Nesterov, IV Pechenezhskiy
Physical Review Applied 22 (6), 064038, 2024
Current-pinch effect in inhomogeneous two-dimensional electron systems and its role in the photoresponse to microwave radiation
IV Pechenezhskii, SI Dorozhkin
JETP letters 88 (2), 127-130, 2008
Дробные особенности в осцилляциях магнетосопротивления двумерных электронных систем под облучением
ИВ Печенежский, СИ Дорожкин, ИА Дмитриев
Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики 85 (1), 94-99, 2007
Сосуществование коллективных и одночастичных эффектов в фотоотклике двумерного электронного газа на СВЧ облучение
СИ Дорожкин, АА Быков, ИВ Печенежский, АК Бакаров
Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики 85 (11), 705-709, 2007
ECR plasma cleaning: An in-situ processing technique for RF cavities
G Wu, H Jiang, T Khabiboulline, I Pechenezhskiy, T Koeth, J Reid, ...
Proc. 13th International Conference on RF Superconductivity,(SRF2007), 2007
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