David Zejda
Cited by
Cited by
Tourism carrying capacity reconceptualization: Modelling and management of destinations
M Pásková, G Wall, D Zejda, J Zelenka
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 21, 100638, 2021
Deep design for ambient intelligence: toward acceptable appliances for higher quality of life of the elderly
D Zejda
2010 Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 277-282, 2010
The concept of comprehensive tracking software to support sustainable tourism in protected areas
D Zejda, J Zelenka
Sustainability 11 (15), 4104, 2019
From subjective trust to objective trustworthiness in on-line social networks: Overview and challenges
D Zejda
Journal of Systems Integration 1 (1-2), 16-22, 2010
The Model of Appropriation: Contribution of Rational Choice Theory and Cognitive Science to a Better Technology
D Zejda
2011 Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 262-269, 2011
Exploitation of the virtual worlds in Tourism and Tourism Education
P Zejda, D Zejda
Czech Journal of Tourism 5 (2), 173-188, 2016
Characteristics of Trust in Online Social Networks and Community of Trust as a Special Case of Online Community.
D Zejda
WEBIST, 531-534, 2011
Videoconferencing and Virtual Reality in the Context of Language Education.
D Zejda, E Canoy
International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity 2 (1), 175-186, 2015
Online Social Networks for the Elderly–Acceptable Interfaces for People with Serious Impairments
D Zejda
Workshop Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent …, 2010
Ambient Intelligence Acceptable by the Elderly: Rational Choice Theory Model of Technology Evaluation for Deep Design
D Zejda
User-Centric Technologies and Applications: Proceedings of the CONTEXTS 2011 …, 2011
Destination management support system and intelligent destination guide for natural destinations
D Zejda, M Pásková
Public Recreation and Landscape Protection–With Environment Hand in Hand …, 2023
Videoconferencing and Virtual Worlds in Tourism Language Education–Practical Evaluation of the Systematic Approach in the Czech Context
D Zejda, TT Lasisi, J Managuelod, S Breitenbach, E Canoy
Czech Journal of Tourism 9 (1), 1-21, 2020
Constructing consumers' mental models: Towards technology-rich products tuned for the needs of the elderly
D Zejda
International Journal of Management Cases 16 (2), 4-16, 2014
E-Invoice Adoption in the Czech Republic (Forms, Exchange Channels, and Formats)
M Kuběnka, I Honková, D Zejda
University of Hradec Kralove, 2024
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management
M Pásková, G Wall, D Zejda, J Zelenka
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 21, 100638, 2021
Social Software to the Benefit of the Elderly–Planning an Experiment
D Zejda
University of Hradec Kralove, 2018
Towards Acceptable Products: Grasping User’s Mind by the Means of Cognitive Science and Rational Choice Theory
D Zejda
Emergent Trends in Robotics and Intelligent Systems: Where is the Role of …, 2015
Response of Young Elementary School Students on Native Speakers
D Zejda
System approach to the optimizing of tourism effects in the protected areas
M Pásková, D Zejda, J Zelenka
Deep Design for Ambient Intelligence
D Zejda
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Articles 1–20