Mauro Fasola
Mauro Fasola
Professor of Zoology, Pavia University, Italy
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The value of rice fields as substitutes for natural wetlands for waterbirds in the Mediterranean region
M Fasola, X Ruiz
Colonial waterbirds, 122-128, 1996
Colour polymorphism in birds: causes and functions
P Galeotti, D Rubolini, PO Dunn, M Fasola
Journal of evolutionary biology 16 (4), 635-646, 2003
Hepatitis B and C virus infection, alcohol drinking, and hepatocellular carcinoma: a case-control study in Italy
F Donato, A Tagger, R Chiesa, ML Ribero, V Tomasoni, M Fasola, ...
Hepatology 26 (3), 579-584, 1997
Human exposure to toxic metals via contaminated dust: Bio-accumulation trends and their potential risk estimation
J Mohmand, SAMAS Eqani, M Fasola, A Alamdar, I Mustafa, N Ali, L Liu, ...
Chemosphere 132, 142-151, 2015
Effects of elevated egg corticosterone levels on behavior, growth, and immunity of yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) chicks
D Rubolini, M Romano, G Boncoraglio, RP Ferrari, R Martinelli, P Galeotti, ...
Hormones and behavior 47 (5), 592-605, 2005
Case‐control study on hepatitis C virus (HCV) as a risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma: The role of HCV genotypes and the synergism with hepatitis B virus and alcohol
A Tagger, F Donato, ML Ribero, R Chiesa, G Portera, U Gelatti, A Albertini, ...
International journal of cancer 81 (5), 695-699, 1999
Avian feathers as a non-destructive bio-monitoring tool of trace metals signatures: a case study from severely contaminated areas
M Abdullah, M Fasola, A Muhammad, SA Malik, N Bostan, H Bokhari, ...
Chemosphere 119, 553-561, 2015
Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Lombardia: 1983-1987
P Brichetti, M Fasola
Editoriale Ramperto, 1990
Effects of environmental pollution on the liver parenchymal cells and Kupffer-melanomacrophagic cells of the frog Rana esculenta
C Fenoglio, E Boncompagni, M Fasola, C Gandini, S Comizzoli, ...
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 60 (3), 259-268, 2005
Heavy metal, organochlorine pesticide, and PCB residues in eggs and feathers of herons breeding in northern Italy
M Fasola, PA Movalli, C Gandini
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 34, 87-93, 1998
Egrets as monitors of trace-metal contamination in wetlands of Pakistan
E Boncompagni, A Muhammad, R Jabeen, E Orvini, C Gandini, ...
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 45, 399-406, 2003
Male–male combats in a polymorphic lizard: residency and size, but not color, affect fighting rules and contest outcome
R Sacchi, F Pupin, A Gentilli, D Rubolini, S Scali, M Fasola, P Galeotti
Aggressive Behavior: Official Journal of the International Society for …, 2009
Human exposure to trace metals and arsenic via consumption of fish from river Chenab, Pakistan and associated health risks
A Alamdar, SAMAS Eqani, N Hanif, SM Ali, M Fasola, H Bokhari, ...
Chemosphere 168, 1004-1012, 2017
Long-term trends of heron and egret populations in Italy, and the effects of climate, human-induced mortality, and habitat on population dynamics
M Fasola, D Rubolini, E Merli, E Boncompagni, U Bressan
Population Ecology 52, 59-72, 2010
Evaluation of Rana snk esculenta blood cell response to chemical stressors in the environment during the larval and adult phases
S Barni, E Boncompagni, A Grosso, V Bertone, I Freitas, M Fasola, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 81 (1), 45-54, 2007
Effect of hepatitis C genotype on mother-to-infant transmission of virus
GV Zuccotti, ML Ribero, M Giovannini, M Fasola, E Riva, G Portera, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 127 (2), 278-280, 1995
Photographic identification in reptiles: a matter of scales
R Sacchi, S Scali, D Pellitteri-Rosa, F Pupin, A Gentilli, S Tettamanti, ...
Amphibia-Reptilia 31 (4), 489-502, 2010
Spatial distribution of dust–bound trace elements in Pakistan and their implications for human exposure
SAMAS Eqani, A Kanwal, AK Bhowmik, M Sohail, R Ullah, SM Ali, ...
Environmental Pollution 213, 213-222, 2016
Conservation of heronry Ardeidae sites in North Italian agricultural landscapes
M Fasola, R Alieri
Biological conservation 62 (3), 219-228, 1992
Rice farming and waterbirds: integrated management in an artificial landscape
M Fasola
Farming and birds in Europe: the common agricultural policy and tis …, 1996
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Articles 1–20