Robert Bewley
Robert Bewley
ISIS neutron and muon facility, Chilton, Didcot, UK
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Unconventional superconductivity in Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 from inelastic neutron scattering
AD Christianson, EA Goremychkin, R Osborn, S Rosenkranz, ...
Nature 456 (7224), 930-932, 2008
Spin waves and magnetic exchange interactions in CaFe2As2
J Zhao, DT Adroja, DX Yao, R Bewley, S Li, XF Wang, G Wu, XH Chen, ...
Nature Physics 5 (8), 555-560, 2009
Topological magnon bands in a kagome lattice ferromagnet
R Chisnell, JS Helton, DE Freedman, DK Singh, RI Bewley, DG Nocera, ...
Physical review letters 115 (14), 147201, 2015
Crystalline Electric-Field Randomness in the Triangular Lattice Spin-Liquid
Y Li, D Adroja, RI Bewley, D Voneshen, AA Tsirlin, P Gegenwart, Q Zhang
Physical review letters 118 (10), 107202, 2017
LET, a cold neutron multi-disk chopper spectrometer at ISIS
RI Bewley, JW Taylor, SM Bennington
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
Magnetic ordering and spin-liquid state of
J Park, JG Park, GS Jeon, HY Choi, C Lee, W Jo, R Bewley, KA McEwen, ...
Physical Review B 68 (10), 104426, 2003
One-and two-triplon spectra of a cuprate ladder
S Notbohm, P Ribeiro, B Lake, DA Tennant, KP Schmidt, GS Uhrig, ...
Physical review letters 98 (2), 027403, 2007
High-energy spin excitations in observed by inelastic neutron scattering
RA Ewings, TG Perring, RI Bewley, T Guidi, MJ Pitcher, DR Parker, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (22), 220501, 2008
MERLIN, a new high count rate spectrometer at ISIS
RI Bewley, RS Eccleston, KA McEwen, SM Hayden, MT Dove, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 385, 1029-1031, 2006
Field-tunable spin-density-wave phases in Sr3Ru2O7
C Lester, S Ramos, RS Perry, TP Croft, RI Bewley, T Guidi, P Manuel, ...
Nature materials 14 (4), 373-378, 2015
Magnetic behaviour of layered Ag(II) fluorides
SE McLain, MR Dolgos, DA Tennant, JFC Turner, T Barnes, T Proffen, ...
Nature materials 5 (7), 561-565, 2006
The magnon dynamics and spin exchange parameters of FePS3
AR Wildes, KC Rule, RI Bewley, M Enderle, TJ Hicks
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (41), 416004, 2012
Effect of Fermi Surface Nesting on Resonant Spin Excitations in
JP Castellan, S Rosenkranz, EA Goremychkin, DY Chung, IS Todorov, ...
Physical review letters 107 (17), 177003, 2011
Evidence for a three-dimensional quantum spin liquid in PbCuTe2O6
S Chillal, Y Iqbal, HO Jeschke, JA Rodriguez-Rivera, R Bewley, P Manuel, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2348, 2020
Crystalline Electric Field as a Probe for Long-Range Antiferromagnetic Order <?format ?>and Superconducting State of
S Chi, DT Adroja, T Guidi, R Bewley, S Li, J Zhao, JW Lynn, CM Brown, ...
Physical Review Letters 101 (21), 217002, 2008
Nearest-neighbour resonating valence bonds in YbMgGaO4
Y Li, D Adroja, D Voneshen, RI Bewley, Q Zhang, AA Tsirlin, P Gegenwart
Nature Communications 8 (1), 15814, 2017
Antiferromagnetic spin ice correlations at (,,) in the ground state of the pyrochlore magnet TbTiO
K Fritsch, KA Ross, Y Qiu, JRD Copley, T Guidi, RI Bewley, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (9), 094410, 2013
Intertwined dipolar and multipolar order in the triangular-lattice magnet TmMgGaO4
Y Shen, C Liu, Y Qin, S Shen, YD Li, R Bewley, A Schneidewind, G Chen, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4530, 2019
Spectrum of a magnetized strong-leg quantum spin ladder
D Schmidiger, P Bouillot, T Guidi, R Bewley, C Kollath, T Giamarchi, ...
Physical review letters 111 (10), 107202, 2013
New sources and instrumentation for neutrons in biology
SCM Teixeira, G Zaccai, J Ankner, MC Bellissent-Funel, R Bewley, ...
Chemical physics 345 (2-3), 133-151, 2008
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Articles 1–20