Po Chen
Po Chen
Associate Professor of Geophysics, University of Wyoming
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Full 3D tomography for the crustal structure of the Los Angeles region
P Chen, L Zhao, TH Jordan
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 97 (4), 1094-1120, 2007
Full‐3‐D tomography for crustal structure in southern California based on the scattering‐integral and the adjoint‐wavefield methods
EJ Lee, P Chen, TH Jordan, PB Maechling, MAM Denolle, GC Beroza
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (8), 6421-6451, 2014
Seismic evidence for rock damage and healing on the San Andreas fault associated with the 2004 M 6.0 Parkfield earthquake
YG Li, P Chen, ES Cochran, JE Vidale, T Burdette
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 96 (4B), S349-S363, 2006
Full three-dimensional tomography: a comparison between the scattering-integral and adjoint-wavefield methods
P Chen, TH Jordan, L Zhao
Geophysical Journal International 170 (1), 175-181, 2007
Fréchet kernels for imaging regional earth structure based on three-dimensional reference models
L Zhao, TH Jordan, KB Olsen, P Chen
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 95 (6), 2066-2080, 2005
Anisotropic meta-mirror for achromatic electromagnetic polarization manipulation
M Pu, P Chen, Y Wang, Z Zhao, C Huang, C Wang, X Ma, X Luo
Applied Physics Letters 102 (13), 131906, 2013
Strain Green’s tensors, reciprocity, and their applications to seismic source and structure studies
L Zhao, P Chen, TH Jordan
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 96 (5), 1753-1763, 2006
Broadband anomalous reflection based on gradient low-Q meta-surface
M Pu, P Chen, C Wang, Y Wang, Z Zhao, C Hu, C Huang, X Luo
AIP advances 3 (5), 052136, 2013
A performance modeling and optimization analysis tool for sparse matrix-vector multiplication on GPUs
P Guo, L Wang, P Chen
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 25 (5), 1112-1123, 2013
Finite-moment tensor of the 3 September 2002 Yorba Linda earthquake
P Chen, TH Jordan, L Zhao
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 95 (3), 1170-1180, 2005
Classification of seismic windows using artificial neural networks
S Diersen, EJ Lee, D Spears, P Chen, L Wang
Procedia computer science 4, 1572-1581, 2011
Seismic velocity variations on the San Andreas fault caused by the 2004 M6 Parkfield Earthquake and their implications
YG Li, P Chen, ES Cochran, JE Vidale
Earth, planets and space 59, 21-31, 2007
Strong enhancement of light absorption and highly directive thermal emission in graphene
M Pu, P Chen, Y Wang, Z Zhao, C Wang, C Huang, C Hu, X Luo
Optics express 21 (10), 11618-11627, 2013
Rapid full-wave centroid moment tensor (CMT) inversion in a three-dimensional earth structure model for earthquakes in Southern California
EJ Lee, P Chen, TH Jordan, L Wang
Geophysical Journal International 186 (1), 311-330, 2011
A scalable parallel LSQR algorithm for solving large-scale linear system for tomographic problems: a case study in seismic tomography
H Huang, JM Dennis, L Wang, P Chen
Procedia Computer Science 18, 581-590, 2013
Rapid processing of synthetic seismograms using windows azure cloud
V Subramanian, L Wang, EJ Lee, P Chen
2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and …, 2010
Reducing disk storage of full-3D seismic waveform tomography (F3DT) through lossy online compression
P Lindstrom, P Chen, EJ Lee
Computers & Geosciences 93, 45-54, 2016
A model-driven partitioning and auto-tuning integrated framework for sparse matrix-vector multiplication on GPUs
P Guo, H Huang, Q Chen, L Wang, EJ Lee, P Chen
Proceedings of the 2011 TeraGrid Conference: Extreme Digital Discovery, 1-8, 2011
Testing waveform predictions of 3D velocity models against two recent Los Angeles earthquakes
EJ Lee, P Chen, TH Jordan
Seismological Research Letters 85 (6), 1275-1284, 2014
An MPI-CUDA implementation and optimization for parallel sparse equations and least squares (LSQR)
H Huang, L Wang, EJ Lee, P Chen
Procedia Computer Science 9, 76-85, 2012
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Articles 1–20