Scott Seibert
Scott Seibert
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The mediating role of self-efficacy in the development of entrepreneurial intentions.
H Zhao, SE Seibert, GE Hills
Journal of applied psychology 90 (6), 1265, 2005
A social capital theory of career success
SE Seibert, ML Kraimer, RC Liden
Academy of management journal 44 (2), 219-237, 2001
Proactive personality and career success.
SE Seibert, JM Crant, ML Kraimer
Journal of applied psychology 84 (3), 416, 1999
The big five personality dimensions and entrepreneurial status: a meta-analytical review.
H Zhao, SE Seibert
Journal of applied psychology 91 (2), 259, 2006
What do proactive people do? A longitudinal model linking proactive personality and career success
SE Seibert, ML Kraimer, JM Crant
Personnel psychology 54 (4), 845-874, 2001
The relationship of personality to entrepreneurial intentions and performance: A meta-analytic review
H Zhao, SE Seibert, GT Lumpkin
Journal of management 36 (2), 381-404, 2010
Antecedents and consequences of psychological and team empowerment in organizations: a meta-analytic review.
SE Seibert, G Wang, SH Courtright
Journal of applied psychology 96 (5), 981, 2011
Taking empowerment to the next level: A multiple-level model of empowerment, performance, and satisfaction
SE Seibert, SR Silver, WA Randolph
Academy of management Journal 47 (3), 332-349, 2004
The five-factor model of personality and career success
SE Seibert, ML Kraimer
Journal of vocational behavior 58 (1), 1-21, 2001
Antecedents and outcomes of organizational support for development: the critical role of career opportunities.
ML Kraimer, SE Seibert, SJ Wayne, RC Liden, J Bravo
Journal of applied psychology 96 (3), 485, 2011
A tale of two sample sources: Do results from online panel data and conventional data converge?
SL Walter, SE Seibert, D Goering, EH O’Boyle
Journal of Business and Psychology 34, 425-452, 2019
Psychological empowerment as a multidimensional construct: A test of construct validity
ML Kraimer, SE Seibert, RC Liden
Educational and psychological measurement 59 (1), 127-142, 1999
Tales of the unexpected: Integrating career shocks in the contemporary careers literature
J Akkermans, SE Seibert, ST Mol
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology 44 (1), 1-10, 2018
Even the best laid plans sometimes go askew: Career self-management processes, career shocks, and the decision to pursue graduate education.
SE Seibert, ML Kraimer, BC Holtom, AJ Pierotti
Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (1), 169, 2013
The effectiveness of facilitated mentoring: A longitudinal quasi-experiment
S Seibert
Journal of vocational behavior 54 (3), 483-502, 1999
Psychological contract breach and employee innovation: A conservation of resources perspective
K Kiazad, SE Seibert, ML Kraimer
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 87 (3), 535-556, 2014
Linking developmental experiences to leader effectiveness and promotability: The mediating role of leadership self‐efficacy and mentor network
SE Seibert, LD Sargent, ML Kraimer, K Kiazad
Personnel Psychology 70 (2), 357-397, 2017
Developing career resilience and adaptability
SE Seibert, ML Kraimer, PA Heslin
Organizational Dynamics 45 (3), 245-257, 2016
An investigation of academic career success: The new tempo of academic life
ML Kraimer, L Greco, SE Seibert, LD Sargent
Academy of Management Learning & Education 18 (2), 128-152, 2019
Chapter 1 Synthesizing what we know and looking ahead: A meta-analytical review of 30 years of emotional labor research
G Wang, SE Seibert, TL Boles
What have we learned? Ten years on, 15-43, 2011
Systém momentálně nemůže danou operaci provést. Zkuste to znovu později.
Články 1–20