Sohail S. Chaudhry
Cited by
Cited by
Coworker and supervisor support as moderators of associations between task characteristics and mental strain
RA Karasek, KP Triantis, SS Chaudhry
Journal of Occupational Behaviour 3 (2), 181-200, 1982
Enhancing consumer engagement in e-commerce live streaming via relational bonds
M Hu, SS Chaudhry
Internet Research 30 (3), 1019-1041, 2020
Vendor selection with price breaks
SS Chaudhry, FG Forst, JL Zydiak
European Journal of Operational Research 70 (1), 52-66, 1993
An analysis of network location problems with distance constraints
ID Moon, SS Chaudhry
Management Science 30 (3), 290-307, 1984
Vendor selection with bundling
EC Rosenthal, JL Zydiak, SS Chaudhry
Decision Sciences 26 (1), 35-48, 1995
An ARIMA‐ANN hybrid model for time series forecasting
L Wang, H Zou, J Su, L Li, S Chaudhry
Systems Research and Behavioral Science 30 (3), 244-259, 2013
Application of genetic algorithms in production and operations management: a review
SS Chaudhry*, W Luo
International Journal of Production Research 43 (19), 4083-4101, 2005
A model of a decision support system based on case‐based reasoning for third‐party logistics evaluation
J Yan, PE Chaudhry, SS Chaudhry
Expert Systems 20 (4), 196-207, 2003
Fuzzy dispatching model and genetic algorithms for railyards operations
S He, R Song, SS Chaudhry
European journal of operational research 124 (2), 307-331, 2000
Finding the K shortest paths in a schedule-based transit network
W Xu, S He, R Song, SS Chaudhry
Computers & Operations Research 39 (8), 1812-1826, 2012
Semantic inference on heterogeneous e-marketplace activities
J Guo, L Xu, Z Gong, CP Che, SS Chaudhry
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2012
Physical distribution, logistics, supply chain management, and the material flow theory: a historical perspective
H Hou, S Chaudhry, Y Chen, M Hu
Information Technology and Management 18, 107-117, 2017
An integrated dispatching model for rail yards operations
S He, R Song, SS Chaudhry
Computers & operations research 30 (7), 939-966, 2003
Stochastic vendor selection problem: chance-constrained model and genetic algorithms
S He, SS Chaudhry, Z Lei, W Baohua
Annals of Operations Research 168 (1), 169-179, 2009
A multicriteria approach to allocating order quantity among vendors
SS Chaudhry, FG Forst, JL Zydiak
Production and Inventory Management Journal 32 (3), 82-86, 1991
Systems research, genetic algorithms and information systems
SS Chaudhry, MW Varano, L Xu
Systems Research and Behavioral Science 17 (2), 149-162, 2000
Solving a class of facility location problems using genetic algorithms
SS Chaudhry, S He, PE Chaudhry
Expert Systems 20 (2), 86-91, 2003
Industry 4.0 and big data innovations
G Li, J Tan, SS Chaudhry
Enterprise Information Systems 13 (2), 145-147, 2019
Capacitated multiple item ordering with incremental quantity discounts
F Güder, J Zydiak, S Chaudhry
Journal of the Operational Research Society 45 (10), 1197-1205, 1994
Piracy in cyber space: consumer complicity, pirates and enterprise enforcement
PE Chaudhry, SS Chaudhry, SA Stumpf, H Sudler
Enterprise Information Systems 5 (2), 255-271, 2011
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Articles 1–20