Raul Correal
Raul Correal
Professor of Computer Sciences, Polytechnics University of Madrid
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Introduction to advances in telerobotics
M Ferre, M Buss, R Aracil, C Melchiorri, C Balaguer
Advances in Telerobotics, 1-7, 2007
Live experimentation of the service robot applications for elderly people care in home environments
C Balaguer, A Gimenez, A Jardon, R Cabas, R Correal
2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2005
Automatic expert system for 3D terrain reconstruction based on stereo vision and histogram matching
R Correal, G Pajares, JJ Ruz
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (4), 2043-2051, 2014
A portable light-weight climbing robot for personal assistance applications
A Jardon, A Giménez, R Correal, R Cabas, S Martinez, C Balaguer
Industrial Robot: An International Journal 33 (4), 303-307, 2006
Asibot: Robot portátil de asistencia a discapacitados. Concepto, arquitectura de control y evaluación clínica
A Jardón, A Giménez, R Correal, S Martinez, C Balaguers
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI 5 (2), 48-59, 2008
Proprio and Teleoperation of a Robotic System for Disabled Persons’ Assistance in Domestic Environments
C Balaguer, A Giménez, A Jardón, R Correal, S Martínez, AM Sabatini, ...
Advances in telerobotics, 415-427, 2007
Human-Robot Coexistence in Robot-Aided Apartment
R Correal, A Jardón, S Martínez, R Cabas, A Giménez, C Balaguer
International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, 2006
Light weight autonomous climbing robot for elderly and disabled persons’ services
C Balaguer, A Giménez, A Jardón, R Correal, R Cabas, P Staroverov
Field and Service Robotics: Recent Advances in Reserch and Applications, 407-416, 2006
Onboard Autonomous Navigation Architecture for a Planetary Surface Exploration Rover and Functional Validation Using Open-Source Tools
R Correal, G Pajares
ESA Intl. Conf. on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation, 2011
A portable light-weight climbing robot for personal assistance applications
A Giménez, A Jardón, R Correal, R Cabas, C Balaguer
Climbing and Walking Robots, 961-968, 2006
Autonomy for ground-level robotic space exploration: framework, simulation, architecture, algorithms and experiments
R Correal, G Pajares, JJ Ruz
Robotica 34 (2), 274-305, 2016
Service robot applications for elderly people care in home environments
A Giménez, A Jardón, R Correal, R Cabas, C Balaguer
International workshop on advances in service robotics, 2004
Footprint-based classification of road moving objects using occupancy grids
V Alonso, R Correal, J Villagra
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2017), 2017
A Comparison of FPGA and GPGPU Designs for Bayesian Occupancy Filters
L Medina, M Diez-Ochoa, R Correal, S Cuenca-Asensi, A Serrano, ...
Sensors 17 (11), 2599, 2017
Stereo images matching process enhancement by homomorphic filtering and disparity clustering
R Correal, G Pajares, JJ Ruz
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial 10 (2), 178-184, 2013
Experiences in Producing a Preliminary Navigation OBSW Prototype for the Exomars Rover Based on EDRES
A ODwyer, R Correal, S Sánchez, P Parra
ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation …, 2008
A Matlab-Based Testbed for Integration, Evaluation and Comparison of Heterogeneous Stereo Vision Matching Algorithms
R Correal, G Pajares, JJ Ruz
Robotics 5 (24), 2016
Stereo vision-based perception, path planning and navigation strategies for autonomous robotic exploration
R Correal
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2015
Mejora del Proceso de Correspondencia en Imágenes Estereoscópicas Mediante Filtrado Homomórfico y Agrupaciones de Disparidad
R Correal, G Pajares, JJ Ruz
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial 10 (2), 178-184, 2013
Wireless Teleoperation of an Assistive Robot by PDA
R Correal, A Jardon, A Gimenez, C Balaguer
1st IFAC Symposium on Telematics Applications in Automation and Robotics (TA …, 2004
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Articles 1–20