Emmanuel Castella
Emmanuel Castella
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Does size matter? The relationship between pond area and biodiversity
B Oertli, DA Joye, E Castella, R Juge, D Cambin, JB Lachavanne
Biological conservation 104 (1), 59-70, 2002
Trends of macroinvertebrate community structure in glacier‐fed rivers in relation to environmental conditions: a synthesis
AM Milner, JE Brittain, E Castella, GE Petts
Freshwater Biology 46 (12), 1833-1847, 2001
Macrobenthic invertebrate richness and composition along a latitudinal gradient of European glacier‐fed streams
E Castella, H Adalsteinsson, JE Brittain, GM Gislason, A Lehmann, ...
Freshwater biology 46 (12), 1811-1831, 2001
Large river floodplain restoration: predicting species richness and trait responses to the restoration of hydrological connectivity
A Paillex, S Dolédec, E Castella, S Mérigoux
Journal of Applied Ecology 46 (1), 250-258, 2009
PLOCH: a standardized method for sampling and assessing the biodiversity in ponds
B Oertli, D Auderset Joye, E Castella, R Juge, A Lehmann, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 15 (6), 665-679, 2005
Chironomid (Diptera: Chironomidae) communities in six European glacier‐fed streams
B Lods‐Crozet, V Lencioni, JS Olafsson, DL Snook, G Velle, JE Brittain, ...
Freshwater Biology 46 (12), 1791-1809, 2001
Functional trait‐based approaches as a common framework for aquatic ecologists
S Martini, F Larras, A Boyé, E Faure, N Aberle, P Archambault, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 66 (3), 965-994, 2021
Patterns of macroinvertebrate traits along three glacial stream continuums
C Ilg, E Castella
Freshwater Biology 51 (5), 840-853, 2006
Macroinvertebrate community structure in relation to environmental variables in a Swiss glacial stream
B Lods‐Crozet, E Castella, D Cambin, C Ilg, S Knispel, H Mayor‐Simeant
Freshwater Biology 46 (12), 1641-1661, 2001
The Rhône river basin
JM Olivier, G Carrel, N Lamouroux, MJ Dole-Olivier, F Malard, JP Bravard, ...
Rivers of Europe, 393-453, 2022
Shelled gastropoda of western Europe
E Castella, G Falkner, P Obrdlík, CCD Speight
Friedrich-Held-Gesellschaft, 2001
Macroinvertebrates as ‘describers’ of morphological and hydrological types of aquatic ecosystems abandoned by the Rhône River
E Castella, M Richardot-Coulet, C Roux, P Richoux
Hydrobiologia 119, 219-225, 1984
One-year survey of a single Micronesian reef reveals extraordinarily rich diversity of Symbiodinium types in soritid foraminifera
X Pochon, L Garcia-Cuetos, AC Baker, E Castella, J Pawlowski
Coral Reefs 26, 867-882, 2007
The effects of water abstractions on invertebrate communities in UK streams
E Castella, M Bickerton, PD Armitage, GE Petts
Hydrobiologia 308, 167-182, 1995
StN 2010
MCD Speight, C Monteil, E Castella, JP Sarthou
Syrph the Net on CD, 2010
Biodiversity in the floodplain of Saône: a global approach
V Godreau, G Bornette, B Frochot, C Amoros, E Castella, B Oertli, ...
Biodiversity & Conservation 8, 839-864, 1999
Aquatic macroinvertebrate response along a gradient of lateral connectivity in river floodplain channels
A Paillex, E Castella, G Carron
Journal of the North American benthological society 26 (4), 779-796, 2007
Relationship between biomass and surface area of six submerged aquatic plant species
S Sher-Kaul, B Oertli, E Castella, JB Lachavanne
Aquatic Botany 51 (1-2), 147-154, 1995
Response of benthic macroinvertebrates to gradients in hydrological connectivity: a comparison of temperate, subtropical, Mediterranean and semiarid river floodplains
B Gallardo, S Dolédec, A Paillex, DB Arscott, F Sheldon, F Zilli, ...
Freshwater Biology 59 (3), 630-648, 2014
An approach to interpretation of lists of insects using digitised biological information about the species
MCD Speight, E Castella
Journal of insect Conservation 5, 131-139, 2001
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Articles 1–20