Mario Drobics
Mario Drobics
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The internet of things for ambient assisted living
A Dohr, R Modre-Opsrian, M Drobics, D Hayn, G Schreier
Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 2010 Seventh International …, 2010
ICT-based system to predict and prevent falls (iStoppFalls): results from an international multicenter randomized controlled trial
YJ Gschwind, S Eichberg, A Ejupi, H de Rosario, M Kroll, HR Marston, ...
European review of aging and physical activity 12, 1-11, 2015
ICT-based system to predict and prevent falls (iStoppFalls): study protocol for an international multicenter randomized controlled trial
YJ Gschwind, S Eichberg, HR Marston, A Ejupi, H Rosario, M Kroll, ...
BMC geriatrics 14, 1-13, 2014
123I-mIBG scintigraphy in neuroblastoma: development of a SIOPEN semi-quantitative reporting ,method by an international panel
V Lewington, B Lambert, U Poetschger, ZB Sever, F Giammarile, ...
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 44, 234-241, 2017
Near Field Communication technology as the key for data acquisition in clinical research
J Morak, D Hayn, P Kastner, M Drobics, G Schreier
Near Field Communication, 2009. NFC'09. First International Workshop on, 15-19, 2009
A multilocus technique for risk evaluation of patients with neuroblastoma
IM Ambros, B Brunner, G Aigner, C Bedwell, K Beiske, J Bénard, N Bown, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 17 (4), 792-804, 2011
FS-FOIL: an inductive learning method for extracting interpretable fuzzy descriptions
M Drobics, U Bodenhofer, EP Klement
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 32 (2-3), 131-152, 2003
Tablet, gestures, remote control? Influence of age on performance and user experience with iTV applications
J Bobeth, J Schrammel, S Deutsch, M Klein, M Drobics, C Hochleitner, ...
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences …, 2014
Ambient Assisted Living for ageing well–an overview
AN Belbachir, M Drobics, W Marschitz
e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 7 (127), 200-205, 2010
Interpretation of self-organizing maps with fuzzy rules
M Drobics, W Winiwater, U Bodenhofer
Proceedings 12th IEEE Internationals Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2000
Fuzzy modeling with decision trees
M Drobics, U Bodenhofer
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 4, 6 pp. vol. 4, 2002
Feature selection using bacterial optimization
J Botzheim, M Drobics, LT Kóczy
Proceedings of the international conference on information processing and …, 2004
Mining clusters and corresponding interpretable descriptions–a three–stage approach
M Drobics, U Bodenhofer, W Winiwarter
Expert Systems 19 (4), 224-234, 2002
Validation of a method for the estimation of energy expenditure during physical activity using a mobile device accelerometer
IM Pires, V Felizardo, N Pombo, M Drobics, NM Garcia, F Flórez-Revuelta
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 10 (4), 315-326, 2018
Assistive solutions in practice: Experiences from AAL pilot regions in Austria
N Ates, G Aumayr, M Drobics, KM Förster, C Frauenberger, M Garschall, ...
Health Informatics Meets eHealth, 184-195, 2017
Extracting knowledge and computable models from data-needs, expectations, and experience
T Natschlager, F Kossak, M Drobics
2004 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE Cat. No. 04CH37542 …, 2004
Choosing the best predicates for data-driven fuzzy modeling
M Drobics
2004 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE Cat. No. 04CH37542 …, 2004
Building a Dataspace: Technical Overview
V Siska, V Karagiannis, M Drobics
Gaia-X Hub Austria, 2023
Data mining using synergies between self-organizing maps and inductive learning of fuzzy rules
M Drobics, U Bodenhofer, W Winiwarter, EP Klement
Proceedings Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International …, 2001
Optimization of fuzzy rule sets using a bacterial evolutionary algorithm
M Drobics, J Botzheim
Mathware & Soft Computing 15 (1), 21-40, 2008
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Articles 1–20