Matthew Milford
Cited by
Cited by
Valved dataflow for FPGA memory hierarchy synthesis
M Milford, J McAllister
2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2012
An ultra-fine processor for FPGA DSP chip multiprocessors
M Milford, J McAllister
2009 Conference record of the forty-third Asilomar conference on signals …, 2009
Constructive synthesis of memory-intensive accelerators for fpga from nested loop kernels
M Milford, J McAllister
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (16), 4152-4165, 2016
Embedded C programming: a practical course introducing programmable microprocessors
DM Laverty, J Milliken, M Milford, M Cregan
European Journal of Engineering Education 37 (6), 557-574, 2012
Automatic FPGA synthesis of memory intensive C-based kernels
M Milford, J McAllister
2012 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems (SAMOS), 136-143, 2012
Memory-centric VDF graph transformations for practical FPGA implementation
M Milford, J McAllister
2012 IEEE 10th Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-time Multimedia, 12-18, 2012
Memory centric compilers for embedded streaming systems
MTI Milford
Queen's University Belfast, 2014
Efficient Dictionary-Refining Kernel Adaptive Filter With Fundamental Insights....... M.-A. Takizawa and M. Yukawa 4337 Signal Processing for Networks Infection Spreading and …
M Milford, J McAllister, J Wang, B Shim
Design Space Exploration and Run-time Resource Management in the Embedded Multi-core Era
V Zaccaria, D Lee, H Oh, LC Stancu, LAD Bathen, N Dutt, A Nicolau, ...
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Articles 1–9