Nicola Cannata
Cited by
Cited by
Life at Depth: Photobacterium profundum Genome Sequence and Expression Analysis
A Vezzi, S Campanaro, M D'angelo, F Simonato, N Vitulo, FM Lauro, ...
Science 307 (5714), 1459-1461, 2005
Agents in bioinformatics, computational and systems biology
E Merelli, G Armano, N Cannata, F Corradini, M d'Inverno, A Doms, ...
Briefings in bioinformatics 8 (1), 45-59, 2007
Time to organize the bioinformatics resourceome
N Cannata, E Merelli, RB Altman
PLoS Computational Biology 1 (7), e76, 2005
A comprehensive, high-resolution genomic transcript map of human skeletal muscle
S Bortoluzzi, L Rampoldi, B Simionati, R Zimbello, A Barbon, F d’Alessi, ...
Genome Research 8 (8), 817-825, 1998
Pattern recognition in gene expression profiling using DNA array: a comparative study of different statistical methods applied to cancer classification
C Romualdi, S Campanaro, D Campagna, B Celegato, N Cannata, ...
Human Molecular Genetics 12 (8), 823-836, 2003
Simplifying amino acid alphabets by means of a branch and bound algorithm and substitution matrices
N Cannata, S Toppo, C Romualdi, G Valle
Bioinformatics 18 (8), 1102-1108, 2002
RAP: a new computer program for de novo identification of repeated sequences in whole genomes
D Campagna, C Romualdi, N Vitulo, M Del Favero, M Lexa, N Cannata, ...
Bioinformatics 21 (5), 582-588, 2005
An agent-oriented conceptual framework for systems biology
N Cannata, F Corradini, E Merelli, A Omicini, A Ricci
Transactions on computational systems biology III, 105-122, 2005
A Semantic Web for bioinformatics: goals, tools, systems, applications
N Cannata, M Schröder, R Marangoni, P Romano
BMC bioinformatics 9 (Suppl 4), S1, 2008
Characterization of 16 novel human genes showing high similarity to yeast sequences
F Stanchi, E Bertocco, S Toppo, R Dioguardi, B Simionati, N Cannata, ...
Yeast 18 (1), 69-80, 2001
An agent-based multilayer architecture for bioinformatics grids
E Bartocci, D Cacciagrano, N Cannata, F Corradini, E Merelli, L Milanesi, ...
IEEE transactions on Nanobioscience 6 (2), 142-148, 2007
Combining ontologies and workflows to design formal protocols for biological laboratories
A Maccagnan, M Riva, E Feltrin, B Simionati, T Vardanega, G Valle, ...
Automated Experimentation 2, 1-14, 2010
Multiagent modelling and simulation of carbohydrate oxidation in cell
N Cannata, F Corradini, E Merelli
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 3 (1), 17-28, 2008
Agent-based models of cellular systems
N Cannata, F Corradini, E Merelli, L Tesei
Computational Toxicology: Volume II, 399-426, 2013
A Resourceomic Grid for bioinformatics
N Cannata, F Corradini, E Merelli
Future Generation Computer Systems 23 (3), 510-516, 2007
An agent-oriented conceptual framework for biological systems simulation
N Cannata, F Corradini, E Merelli, A Omicini, A Ricci
Transaction on Computation System Biology, 2005
SaDA: From sampling to data analysis—An extensible open source infrastructure for rapid, robust and automated management and analysis of modern ecological high-throughput …
KS Singh, D Thual, R Spurio, N Cannata
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12 (6 …, 2015
TRAIT (TRAnscript Integrated Table): a knowledgebase of human skeletal muscle transcripts
S Toppo, N Cannata, P Fontana, C Romualdi, P Laveder, E Bertocco, ...
Bioinformatics 19 (5), 661-662, 2003
A spatial simulator for metabolic pathways
N Cannata, F Corradini, E Merelli, L Tesei
Proceedings of MultiAgent Systems&Bioinformatics (MAS&BIO'08), 31, 2008
Orion: a spatial multiagent system framework for computational cellular dynamics of metabolic pathways
M Angeletti, A Baldoncini, N Cannata, F Corradini, R Culmone, C Forcato, ...
Bioinformatics Italian Society Meeting, BITS 2007, 2006
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Articles 1–20