Günter J. Hitsch
Günter J. Hitsch
Kilts Family Professor of Marketing, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
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Matching and sorting in online dating
GJ Hitsch, A Hortaçsu, D Ariely
The American Economic Review 100 (1), 130-163, 2010
What makes you click?—Mate preferences in online dating
GJ Hitsch, A Hortaçsu, D Ariely
Quantitative marketing and Economics 8, 393-427, 2010
State dependence and alternative explanations for consumer inertia
JP Dubé, GJ Hitsch, PE Rossi
The RAND Journal of Economics 41 (3), 417-445, 2010
Do switching costs make markets less competitive?
JP Dubé, GJ Hitsch, PE Rossi
Journal of Marketing research 46 (4), 435-445, 2009
An empirical model of advertising dynamics
JP Dubé, GJ Hitsch, P Manchanda
Quantitative marketing and economics 3, 107-144, 2005
Tipping and concentration in markets with indirect network effects
JPH Dubé, GJ Hitsch, PK Chintagunta
Marketing Science 29 (2), 216-249, 2010
What makes you click: An empirical analysis of online dating
GJ Hitsch, A Hortaçsu, D Ariely
2005 Meeting Papers 207, 1-51, 2005
An empirical model of optimal dynamic product launch and exit under demand uncertainty
GJ Hitsch
Marketing Science 25 (1), 25-50, 2006
Prices and promotions in US retail markets
GJ Hitsch, A Hortacsu, X Lin
Quantitative Marketing and Economics 19 (3), 289-368, 2021
TV advertising effectiveness and profitability: Generalizable results from 288 brands
BT Shapiro, GJ Hitsch, AE Tuchman
Econometrica 89 (4), 1855-1879, 2021
Income and wealth effects on private-label demand: Evidence from the great recession
JP Dubé, GJ Hitsch, PE Rossi
Marketing Science 37 (1), 22-53, 2018
Heterogeneous Treatment Effects and Optimal Targeting Policy Evaluation
GJ Hitsch, S Misra, WW Zhang
Quantitative Marketing and Economics 22, 115–168, 2024
Category pricing with state-dependent utility
JP Dubé, GJ Hitsch, PE Rossi, MA Vitorino
Marketing Science 27 (3), 417-429, 2008
The joint identification of utility and discount functions from stated choice data: An application to durable goods adoption
JP Dubé, GJ Hitsch, P Jindal
Quantitative Marketing and Economics 12, 331-377, 2014
A Comparison of Discrete and Parametric Approximation Methods for Continuous-State Dynamic Programming Problems in Economics
H Benıtez-Silva, G Hall, GJ Hitsch, G Pauletto, J Rust
manuscript.(available online at http://ms. cc. sunysb. edu/hbenitezsilv …, 2000
Recent advances in structural econometric modeling: Dynamics, product positioning and entry
JP Dubé, K Sudhir, A Ching, GS Crawford, M Draganska, JT Fox, ...
Marketing letters 16, 209-224, 2005
State-dependent demand estimation with initial conditions correction
A Simonov, JP Dubé, G Hitsch, P Rossi
Journal of Marketing Research 57 (5), 789-809, 2020
Commentaries and Rejoinder to" Do Switching Costs Make Markets Less Competitive?"
J Shin, K Sudhir, L Cabral, JP Dube, GJ Hitsch, PE Rossi
Journal of Marketing Research 46 (4), 446-452, 2009
Measuring long-run marketing effects and their implications for long-run marketing decisions
BJ Bronnenberg, JP Dubé, CF Mela, P Albuquerque, T Erdem, B Gordon, ...
Marketing Letters 19 (3), 367-382, 2008
Research note: Procedure for building nielsen ad intel data and merging with nielsen rms scanner data
B Shapiro, GJ Hitsch, A Tuchman
Available at SSRN 3761483, 2020
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