Brett J Goodwin
Brett J Goodwin
Dean, School of Environmental and Natural Resources Sciences, Fleming College
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Predicting invasiveness of plant species based on biological information
BJ Goodwin, AJ McAllister, L Fahrig
Conservation biology 13 (2), 422-426, 1999
How does landscape structure influence landscape connectivity?
BJ Goodwin, L Fahrig
Oikos 99 (3), 552-570, 2002
Is landscape connectivity a dependent or independent variable?
BJ Goodwin
Landscape ecology 18, 687-699, 2003
Effect of landscape structure on the movement behaviour of a specialized goldenrod beetle, Trirhabda borealis
BJ Goodwin, L Fahrig
Canadian Journal of Zoology 80 (1), 24-35, 2002
Epidemiological review of injury in pre-professional ballet dancers
D Caine, BJ Goodwin, CG Caine, G Bergeron
Journal of Dance Medicine & Science 19 (4), 140-148, 2015
A prospective study of injury affecting competitive collegiate swimmers
KI Chase, DJ Caine, BJ Goodwin, JR Whitehead, MA Romanick
Research in sports medicine 21 (2), 111-123, 2013
A survey of injuries affecting pre-professional ballet dancers
D Caine, G Bergeron, BJ Goodwin, J Thomas, CG Caine, S Steinfeld, ...
Journal of Dance Medicine & Science 20 (3), 115-126, 2016
Spatiotemporal variation in a Lyme disease host and vector: black-legged ticks on white-footed mice
BJ Goodwin, RS Ostfeld, EM Schauber
Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 1 (2), 129-138, 2001
A prescription for longer life? Bot fly parasitism of the white‐footed mouse
CE Burns, BJ Goodwin, RS Ostfeld
Ecology 86 (3), 753-761, 2005
Spatio-temporal patterns in county-level incidence and reporting of Lyme disease in the northeastern United States, 1990–2000
LA Waller, BJ Goodwin, ML Wilson, RS Ostfeld, SL Marshall, EB Hayes
Environmental and Ecological Statistics 14, 83-100, 2007
Spatial scaling and animal population dynamics
BJ Goodwin, L Fahrig
Ecological Scale: Theory and Application. Columbia University Press, New York, 1998
Use of track plates to quantify predation risk at small spatial scales
MJ Connors, EM Schauber, A Forbes, CG Jones, BJ Goodwin, RS Ostfeld
Journal of Mammalogy 86 (5), 991-996, 2005
Grassland songbird occurrence on remnant prairie patches is primarily determined by landscape characteristics
JL Shahan, BJ Goodwin, BC Rundquist
Landscape Ecology 32, 971-988, 2017
Seasonality of prescribed fire weather windows and predicted fire behavior in the northern Great Plains, USA
KA Yurkonis, J Dillon, DA McGranahan, D Toledo, BJ Goodwin
Fire Ecology 15, 1-15, 2019
Testing for habitat detection distances using orientation data
BJ Goodwin, DJ Bender, TA Contreras, L Fahrig, JF Wegner
Oikos 84 (1), 160-163, 1999
Quantifying a dynamic risk landscape: heterogeneous predator activity and implications for prey persistence
EM Schauber, MJ Connors, BJ Goodwin, CG Jones, RS Ostfeld
Ecology 90 (1), 240-251, 2009
Limited dispersal and heterogeneous predation risk synergistically enhance persistence of rare prey
BJ Goodwin, CG Jones, EM Schauber, RS Ostfeld
Ecology 86 (12), 3139-3148, 2005
Spatial selection and inheritance: applying evolutionary concepts to population dynamics in heterogeneous space
EM Schauber, BJ Goodwin, CG Jones, RS Ostfeld
Ecology 88 (5), 1112-1118, 2007
Climate and habitat influence prevalence of meningeal worm infection in North Dakota, USA
JJ Maskey Jr, RA Sweitzer, BJ Goodwin
Journal of Wildlife diseases 51 (3), 670-679, 2015
The effects of a large‐scale wind farm on breeding season survival of female mallards and blue‐winged teal in the Prairie Pothole Region
CT Gue, JA Walker, KR Mehl, JS Gleason, SE Stephens, CR Loesch, ...
The Journal of wildlife management 77 (7), 1360-1371, 2013
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Articles 1–20