Preben Clausen
Preben Clausen
senior researcher in wildlife ecology, Department of Ecoscience, Aarhus University
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Rapid climate driven shifts in wintering distributions of three common waterbird species
A Lehikoinen, K Jaatinen, AV Vähätalo, P Clausen, O Crowe, ...
Global Change Biology 19, 2071–2081, 2013
Current estimates of goose population sizes in western Europe, a gap analysis and an assessment of trends
AD FOX, BS Ebbinge, C Mitchell, T Heinicke, T Aarvak, K Colhoun, ...
Ornis svecica 20, 115-127, 2010
Long-distance endozoochorous dispersal of submerged macrophyte seeds by migratory waterbirds in northern Europe--a critical review of possibilities and limitations
P Clausen, BA Nolet, AD Fox, M Klaassen
Acta oecologica 23 (3), 191-203, 2002
Regime shift in a coastal marine ecosystem
JK Petersen, JW Hansen, MB Laursen, P Clausen, J Carstensen, ...
Ecological Applications 18 (2), 497-510, 2008
Dark‐bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla bernicla, as recorded by satellite telemetry, do not minimize flight distance during spring migration
M Green, T Alerstam, P Clausen, R Drent, BS Ebbinge
Ibis 144 (1), 106-121, 2002
Climate-driven changes in winter abundance of a migratory waterbird in relation to EU protected areas
D Pavón-Jordán, AD Fox, P Clausen, M Dagys, B Deceuninck, RD Hearn, ...
Diversity and Distributions 21, 571-582, 2015
Earlier Arctic springs cause phenological mismatch in long-distance migrants
KK Clausen, P Clausen
Oecologia 173 (3), 1101-1112, 2013
The scientific basis for new and sustainable management of migratory European ducks
J Elmberg, P Nummi, H Pöysä, K Sjöberg, G Gunnarsson, P Clausen, ...
Wildlife biology 12 (2), 121-127, 2006
Effects of water level management on autumn staging waterbird and macrophyte diversity in three Danish coastal lagoons
TE Holm, P Clausen
Biodiversity & Conservation 15, 4399-4423, 2006
Habitat‐ and species‐mediated short‐ and long‐term distributional changes in waterbird abundance linked to variation in European winter weather
D Pavón-Jordán, P Clausen, M Dagys, K Devos, V Encarnaçao, AD Fox, ...
Diversity and Distributions 25, 225-239, 2019
Modelling water level influence on habitat choice and food availability for Zostera feeding Brent Geese Branta bernicla in non-tidal areas
P Clausen
Wildlife Biology 6 (2), 75-87, 2000
Establishing a reserve network for waterfowl in Denmark: a biological evaluation of needs and consequences
J Madsen, S Pihl, P Clausen
Biological Conservation 85 (3), 241-255, 1998
Current and potential threats to Nordic duck populations – a horizon scanning exercise
AD Fox, JE Jónsson, T Aarvak, T Bregnballe, TK Christensen, KK Clausen, ...
Annales Zoologici Fennici 52, 193-220, 2015
Forecasting future drowning of coastal waterbird habitats reveals a major conservation concern
KK Clausen, P Clausen
Biological Conservation 171, 177-185, 2014
Energy limitations for spring migration and breeding: the case of brent geese Branta bernicla tracked by satellite telemetry to Svalbard and Greenland
P Clausen, M Green, T Alerstam
Oikos 103 (2), 426-445, 2003
Seeking explanations for recent changes in abundance of wintering Eurasian Wigeon (Anas penelope) in northwest Europe
AD Fox, L Dalby, TK Christensen, S Nagy, TJS Balsby, O Crowe, ...
Ornis Fennica 93, 12–25, 2016
Grazing management can counteract the impacts of climate change‐induced sea level rise on salt marsh‐dependent waterbirds
KK Clausen, M Stjernholm, P Clausen
Journal of Applied Ecology 50, 528–537, 2013
Conservation status of the world’s swan populations, Cygnus sp. and Coscoroba sp.: a review of current trends and gaps in knowledge
EC Rees, L Cao, P Clausen, J Coleman, J Cornely, O Einarsson, CR Ely, ...
Wildfowl Special Issue No. 5 (2019), 35-72, 2019
Potential wind park impacts on Whooper Swans in winter: the risk of collision
JK Larsen, P Clausen
Waterbirds, 327-330, 2002
Long-term population trends and shifts in distribution for Bewick’s Swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii wintering in northwest Europe
J Beekman, K Koffijberg, J Wahl, C Kowallik, C Hall, K Devos, P Clausen, ...
Wildfowl Special Issue No. 5 (2019), 73-101, 2019
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Articles 1–20