Artem Lukoianov
Artem Lukoianov
E-mailová adresa ověřena na: - Domovská stránka
Meshsdf: Differentiable iso-surface extraction
E Remelli, A Lukoianov, S Richter, B Guillard, T Bagautdinov, P Baque, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 22468-22478, 2020
DeepMesh: Differentiable iso-surface extraction
B Guillard, E Remelli, A Lukoianov, P Yvernay, SR Richter, T Bagautdinov, ...
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2024
Modification of YAPE keypoint detection algorithm for wide local contrast range images
A Lukoyanov, D Nikolaev, I Konovalenko
Tenth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2017) 10696, 305-312, 2018
Debosh: Deep bayesian shape optimization
N Durasov, A Lukoyanov, J Donier, P Fua
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.13337, 2021
Hybridsdf: Combining deep implicit shapes and geometric primitives for 3d shape representation and manipulation
S Vasu, N Talabot, A Lukoianov, P Baqué, J Donier, P Fua
2022 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 617-626, 2022
Edge detection based mobile robot indoor localization
OS Shipitko, MP Abramov, AS Lukoyanov, EI Panfilova, IA Kunina, ...
Eleventh International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2018) 11041, 784-792, 2019
Hybridsdf: combining free form shapes and geometric primitives for effective shape manipulation
S Vasu, N Talabot, A Lukoianov, P Baque, J Donier, P Fua
ArXiv abs/2109.10767 4, 2021
Модификация алгоритма YAPE для изображений с большим разбросом локального контраста
АС Лукоянов, ДП Николаев, ИА Коноваленко
Сборник трудов IV международной конференции и молодежной школы …, 2018
Score Distillation via Reparametrized DDIM
A Lukoianov, HSO Borde, K Greenewald, VC Guizilini, T Bagautdinov, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.15891, 2024
Differentiable parametric computer-assisted design solution
P Baqué, A Lukoianov, J Donier, T Allard
US Patent App. 18/270,835, 2024
Score Distillation via DDIM Inversion
AS Lukoianov
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2024
Towards Efficient Local 3D Conditioning
D Zhang, A Lukoianov
SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Posters, 1-2, 2023
Input Simplifying as an Approach for Improving Neural Network Efficiency
A Grigorev, A Lukoyanov, N Korobov, P Kutsevol, I Zharikov
International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts …, 2019
Synthetic patches, real images: screening for centrosome aberrations in EM images of human cancer cells
A Lukoyanov, I Haberbosch, C Pape, A Krämer, Y Schwab, A Kreshuk
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2019: 22nd …, 2019
Machine Learning Course, Project 2 Unsupervised Object Segmentation by Redrawing: reproducibility challenge
F Moiseev, A Lukoianov, N Durasov
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Články 1–15