Tomáš Kozubek
Tomáš Kozubek
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Cited by
Optimal quadratic programming algorithms: with applications to variational inequalities
Z Dostál
Springer Science & Business Media, 2009
A fictitious domain approach to the numerical solution of PDEs in stochastic domains
C Canuto, T Kozubek
Numerische mathematik 107, 257-293, 2007
Scalable TFETI algorithm for the solution of multibody contact problems of elasticity
Z Dostál, T Kozubek, V Vondrák, T Brzobohatý, A Markopoulos
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 82 (11), 1384-1405, 2010
Cholesky decomposition with fixing nodes to stable computation of a generalized inverse of the stiffness matrix of a floating structure
T Brzobohatý, Z Dostál, T Kozubek, P Kovář, A Markopoulos
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 88 (5), 493-509, 2011
MatSol-MATLAB efficient solvers for problems in engineering
T Kozubek, A Markopoulos, T Brzobohatý, R Kucera, V Vondrák, Z Dostál
The library is no longer updated and is replaced by the ESPRESO framework …, 2009
Total FETI domain decomposition method and its massively parallel implementation
T Kozubek, V Vondrák, M Menšık, D Horák, Z Dostál, V Hapla, ...
Advances in Engineering Software 60, 14-22, 2013
A theoretically supported scalable TFETI algorithm for the solution of multibody 3D contact problems with friction
Z Dostál, T Kozubek, A Markopoulos, T Brzobohatý, V Vondrák, P Horyl
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 205, 110-120, 2012
Scalable algorithms for contact problems
Z Dostál, T Kozubek, M Sadowská, V Vondrák, T Brzobohatý, D Horak, ...
Springer, 2016
On the shape derivative for problems of Bernoulli type
K Kunisch, J Haslinger, K Ito, T Kozubek, G Peichl
Interfaces and Free Boundaries 11 (2), 317-330, 2009
Implementation of K-means segmentation algorithm on Intel Xeon Phi and GPU: Application in medical imaging
M Jaroš, P Strakoš, T Karásek, L Říha, A Vašatová, M Jarošová, ...
Advances in Engineering Software 103, 21-28, 2017
Projected Schur complement method for solving non‐symmetric systems arising from a smooth fictitious domain approach
J Haslinger, T Kozubek, R Kučera, G Peichl
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 14 (9), 713-739, 2007
A TFETI domain decomposition solver for elastoplastic problems
M Čermák, T Kozubek, S Sysala, J Valdman
Applied Mathematics and Computation 231, 634-653, 2014
Massively parallel hybrid total FETI (HTFETI) solver
L Říha, T Brzobohatý, A Markopoulos, O Meca, T Kozubek
Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference, 1-11, 2016
An optimal algorithm and superrelaxation for minimization of a quadratic function subject to separable convex constraints with applications
Z Dostál, T Kozubek
Mathematical Programming 135 (1), 195-220, 2012
A scalable TFETI algorithm for two-dimensional multibody contact problems with friction
Z Dostál, T Kozubek, P Horyl, T Brzobohatý, A Markopoulos
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 235 (2), 403-418, 2010
Cholesky decomposition of a positive semidefinite matrix with known kernel
Z Dostál, T Kozubek, A Markopoulos, M Menšík
Applied Mathematics and Computation 217 (13), 6067-6077, 2011
Discretization and numerical realization of contact problems for elastic‐perfectly plastic bodies. PART II–numerical realization, limit analysis
M Cermak, J Haslinger, T Kozubek, S Sysala
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2015
Scalable TFETI with optional preconditioning by conjugate projector for transient frictionless contact problems of elasticity
Z Dostál, T Kozubek, T Brzobohatý, A Markopoulos, O Vlach
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 247, 37-50, 2012
An embedding domain approach for a class of 2-d shape optimization problems: mathematical analysis
J Haslinger, T Kozubek, K Kunisch, G Peichl
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 290 (2), 665-685, 2004
Mathematical modeling of bituminous coal seams burning contemporaneously with the formation of a variegated beds body
Z Klika, T Kozubek, P Martinec, C Kliková, Z Dostál
International journal of coal geology 59 (1-2), 137-151, 2004
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Articles 1–20