Joseph M. Powers
Joseph M. Powers
Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame
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Mapped weighted essentially non-oscillatory schemes: achieving optimal order near critical points
AK Henrick, TD Aslam, JM Powers
Journal of Computational Physics 207 (2), 542-567, 2005
Simulations of pulsating one-dimensional detonations with true fifth order accuracy
AK Henrick, TD Aslam, JM Powers
Journal of Computational Physics 213 (1), 311-329, 2006
Theory of two-phase detonation—part I: modeling
JM Powers, DS Stewart, H Krier
Combustion and Flame 80 (3-4), 264-279, 1990
Accurate spatial resolution estimates for reactive supersonic flow with detailed chemistry
JM Powers, S Paolucci
AIAA Journal 43 (5), 1088-1099, 2005
On slow manifolds of chemically reactive systems
S Singh, JM Powers, S Paolucci
Journal of Chemical Physics 117 (4), 1482-1496, 2002
Viscous detonation in H2-O2-Ar using intrinsic low-dimensional manifolds and wavelet adaptive multilevel representation
S Singh, Y Rastigejev, S Paolucci, JM Powers
Combustion Theory and Modelling 5 (2), 163-184, 2001
A high-resolution numerical method for a two-phase model of deflagration-to-detonation transition
KA Gonthier, JM Powers
Journal of Computational Physics 163 (2), 376-433, 2000
One-dimensional slow invariant manifolds for spatially homogenous reactive systems
AN Al-Khateeb, JM Powers, S Paolucci, AJ Sommese, JA Diller, ...
Journal of Chemical Physics 131 (2), 024118, 2009
Review of multiscale modeling of detonation
JM Powers
Journal of Propulsion and Power 22 (6), 1217-1229, 2006
Approximate solutions for oblique detonations in the hypersonic limit
JM Powers, DS Stewart
AIAA Journal 30 (3), 726-736, 1992
Analysis of steady compaction waves in porous materials
JM Powers, DS Stewart, H Krier
Journal of Applied Mechanics 56 (1), 15-24, 1989
Numerical predictions of oblique detonation stability boundaries
MJ Grismer, JM Powers
Shock Waves 6, 147-156, 1996
Two-phase viscous modeling of compaction of granular materials
JM Powers
Physics of Fluids 16 (8), 2975-2990, 2004
Theory of two-phase detonation--part II: structure
JM Powers, DS Stewart, H Krier
Combustion and Flame 80 (3-4), 280-303, 1990
On the necessity of positive semi-definite conductivity and Onsager reciprocity in modeling heat conduction in anisotropic media
JM Powers
Journal of Heat Transfer 126 (5), 670-675, 2004
The effect of diffusion on the dynamics of unsteady detonations
CM Romick, TD Aslam, JM Powers
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 699, 453-464, 2012
Formulation, predictions, and sensitivity analysis of a pyrotechnically actuated pin puller model
KA Gonthier, JM Powers
Journal of Propulsion and Power 10 (4), 501-507, 1994
Reaction zone structure for strong, weak overdriven, and weak underdriven oblique detonations
JM Powers, KA Gonthier
Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics 4 (9), 2082-2089, 1992
Detonation solutions from reactive Navier-Stokes equations
S Singh, JM Powers, S Paolucci
37th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-99-0966, 1999
Exact solution for multidimensional compressible reactive flow for verifying numerical algorithms
JM Powers, TD Aslam
AIAA Journal 44 (2), 337-244, 2006
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Articles 1–20