Darren J. McAvoy
Darren J. McAvoy
Assistant Extension Professor of Forestry, Utah State University
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Methods to reduce forest residue volume after timber harvesting and produce black carbon
DS Page-Dumroese, MD Busse, JG Archuleta, D McAvoy, E Roussel
Scientifica 2017 (1), 2745764, 2017
Co-firing of pulverized coal with Pinion Pine/Juniper wood in raw, torrefied and pyrolyzed forms
EG Eddings, D McAvoy, RL Coates
Fuel Processing Technology 161, 273-282, 2017
Mule deer impede Pando’s recovery: Implications for aspen resilience from a single-genotype forest
PC Rogers, DJ McAvoy
PLoS One 13 (10), e0203619, 2018
Large-diameter trees dominate snag and surface biomass following reintroduced fire
JA Lutz, S Struckman, TJ Furniss, CA Cansler, SJ Germain, LL Yocom, ...
Ecological Processes 9, 1-13, 2020
Risk perceptions and mitigation behaviors of residents following a near-miss wildfire
LND Larsen, PD Howe, M Brunson, L Yocom, D McAvoy, EH Berry, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning 207, 104005, 2021
Gambel oak ecology and management in the southern rockies: the status of our knowledge
MR Kaufmann, DW Huisjen, S Kitchen, M Babler, SR Abella, TS Gardiner, ...
SRFSN Publication 2016-1. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University …, 2016
Large-diameter trees, snags, and deadwood in southern Utah, USA
JA Lutz, S Struckman, TJ Furniss, JD Birch, LL Yocom, DJ McAvoy
Ecological Processes 10, 1-12, 2021
Use of biochar by sheep: impacts on diet selection, digestibility, and performance
DJ McAvoy, B Burritt, JJ Villalba
Journal of Animal Science 98 (12), skaa380, 2020
Managed wildfire: a strategy facilitated by civil society partnerships and interagency cooperation
EJ Davis, H Huber-Stearns, M Caggiano, D McAvoy, AS Cheng, A Deak, ...
Society & Natural Resources 35 (8), 914-932, 2022
Preliminary screening of the effect of biochar properties and soil incorporation rate on lettuce growth to guide research and educate the public through extension
B Hunter, GE Cardon, S Olsen, DG Alston, D McAvoy
Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development 9 (1), 1-4, 2017
Forest grazing: managing your land for trees, forage, and livestock
O Salmon, C Reid, D McAvoy
Biochar had minor effects on yield, quality, and water availability of irrigated alfalfa, corn, and wheat
JA Holt, MA Yost, D Winward, JE Creech, LN Allen, D McAvoy
Agronomy Journal 114 (3), 1717-1730, 2022
Managing forests for water quality: forest roads
B Daniels, D McAvoy, MR Kuhns, R Gropp
Utah State University Extension, 2004
Large-diameter trees dominate snag and surface biomass following reintroduced fire. Ecol Process 9: 41
JA Lutz, S Struckman, TJ Furniss, CA Cansler, SJ Germain, LL Yocom, ...
Hazardous fuels reduction using flame cap biochar kilns
D McAvoy, M Dettenmaier
Utah State University Extension, 2019
Mobile pyrolysis for hazardous fuels reduction and biochar production in western forests
D McAvoy, M Dettenmaier, M Kuhns
The Journal of Extension 56 (1), 14, 2018
Biochar for forest restoration in western states
KG Apostol, D McAvoy, P Rappold, MR Kuhns
Utah State University Extension, 2017
Pinyon juniper harvest study: matching the harvesting system to conditions
B Rummer, D McAvoy
The Forestry Source, Vol 18, No. 1, January 2013, p 12, 15., 12-15, 2013
Utah forest types: an introduction to Utah Forests
D McAvoy, MR Kuhns, J Black
Managing Forests for Water Quality: Stream Crossings
B Daniels, D McAvoy, MR Kuhns, R Gropp
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Articles 1–20