Sergey D. Stavisky
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Cited by
Inferring single-trial neural population dynamics using sequential auto-encoders
C Pandarinath, DJ O’Shea, J Collins, R Jozefowicz, SD Stavisky, JC Kao, ...
Nature methods 15 (10), 805-815, 2018
Accurate estimation of neural population dynamics without spike sorting
EM Trautmann, SD Stavisky, S Lahiri, KC Ames, MT Kaufman, DJ O’Shea, ...
Neuron 103 (2), 292-308. e4, 2019
A recurrent neural network for closed-loop intracortical brain–machine interface decoders
D Sussillo, P Nuyujukian, JM Fan, JC Kao, SD Stavisky, S Ryu, K Shenoy
Journal of neural engineering 9 (2), 026027, 2012
Making brain–machine interfaces robust to future neural variability
D Sussillo*, SD Stavisky*, JC Kao*, SI Ryu, KV Shenoy
Nature communications 7, 13749, 2016
Large-scale neural recordings with single neuron resolution using Neuropixels probes in human cortex
AC Paulk, Y Kfir, AR Khanna, ML Mustroph, EM Trautmann, DJ Soper, ...
Nature Neuroscience 25 (2), 252-263, 2022
A high performing brain–machine interface driven by low-frequency local field potentials alone and together with spikes
SD Stavisky, JC Kao, P Nuyujukian, SI Ryu, KV Shenoy
Journal of neural engineering 12 (3), 036009, 2015
Rapid calibration of an intracortical brain–computer interface for people with tetraplegia
DM Brandman, T Hosman, J Saab, MC Burkhart, BE Shanahan, ...
Journal of neural engineering 15 (2), 026007, 2018
Neural population dynamics underlying motor learning transfer
S Vyas, N Even-Chen, SD Stavisky, SI Ryu, P Nuyujukian, KV Shenoy
Neuron 97 (5), 1177-1186. e3, 2018
Neural point-and-click communication by a person with incomplete locked-in syndrome
D Bacher, B Jarosiewicz, NY Masse, SD Stavisky, JD Simeral, K Newell, ...
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 29 (5), 462-471, 2015
Motor cortical visuomotor feedback activity is initially isolated from downstream targets in output-null neural state space dimensions
SD Stavisky, JC Kao, SI Ryu, KV Shenoy
Neuron 95 (1), 195-208. e9, 2017
Information systems opportunities in brain–machine interface decoders
JC Kao, SD Stavisky, D Sussillo, P Nuyujukian, KV Shenoy
Proceedings of the IEEE 102 (5), 666-682, 2014
Neural ensemble dynamics in dorsal motor cortex during speech in people with paralysis
SD Stavisky, FR Willett, GH Wilson, BA Murphy, P Rezaii, DT Avansino, ...
Elife 8, e46015, 2019
Decoding spoken English from intracortical electrode arrays in dorsal precentral gyrus
GH Wilson*, SD Stavisky*, FR Willett, DT Avansino, JN Kelemen, ...
Journal of Neural Engineering 17 (6), 066007, 2020
Power-saving design opportunities for wireless intracortical brain–computer interfaces
N Even-Chen*, DG Muratore*, SD Stavisky, LR Hochberg, JM Henderson, ...
Nature Biomedical Engineering, 1-13, 2020
Performance sustaining intracortical neural prostheses
P Nuyujukian, JC Kao, JM Fan, SD Stavisky, SI Ryu, KV Shenoy
Journal of neural engineering 11 (6), 066003, 2014
The need for calcium imaging in nonhuman primates: New motor neuroscience and brain-machine interfaces
DJ O'shea, E Trautmann, C Chandrasekaran, S Stavisky, JC Kao, ...
Experimental neurology 287, 437-451, 2017
Non-causal spike filtering improves decoding of movement intention for intracortical BCIs
NY Masse, B Jarosiewicz, JD Simeral, D Bacher, SD Stavisky, SS Cash, ...
Journal of neuroscience methods 244, 94-103, 2015
Principled BCI decoder design and parameter selection using a feedback control model
FR Willett, DR Young, BA Murphy, WD Memberg, CH Blabe, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 8881, 2019
Continuous control of the dlr light-weight robot iii by a human with tetraplegia using the braingate2 neural interface system
J Vogel, S Haddadin, JD Simeral, SD Stavisky, D Bacher, LR Hochberg, ...
Experimental Robotics: The 12th International Symposium on Experimental …, 2014
The Neuropixels probe: A CMOS based integrated microsystems platform for neuroscience and brain-computer interfaces
B Dutta, A Andrei, TD Harris, CM Lopez, J O’Callahan, J Putzeys, ...
2019 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 10.1. 1-10.1. 4, 2019
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Articles 1–20