Eduardo A. Santos
Cited by
Cited by
Evaluation of FAO Penman–Monteith and alternative methods for estimating reference evapotranspiration with missing data in Southern Ontario, Canada
PC Sentelhas, TJ Gillespie, EA Santos
Agricultural water management 97 (5), 635-644, 2010
Suitability of relative humidity as an estimator of leaf wetness duration
PC Sentelhas, A Dalla Marta, S Orlandini, EA Santos, TJ Gillespie, ...
Agricultural and forest meteorology 148 (3), 392-400, 2008
Espacialização da temperatura do ar no Estado do Espírito Santo
JEM Pezzopane, EA Santos, MM Eleutério, EF REIS, AR SANTOS
Revista Brasileira de Agrometeorologia 12 (1), 151-158, 2004
Climate‐risk assessment for winter wheat using long‐term weather data
RP Lollato, GP Bavia, V Perin, M Knapp, EA Santos, A Patrignani, ...
Agronomy Journal 112 (3), 2132-2151, 2020
Technical overview of the Kansas Mesonet
A Patrignani, M Knapp, C Redmond, E Santos
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 37 (12), 2167-2183, 2020
Precise multispecies agricultural gas flux determined using broadband open-path dual-comb spectroscopy
DI Herman, C Weerasekara, LC Hutcherson, FR Giorgetta, KC Cossel, ...
Science Advances 7 (14), eabe9765, 2021
Leaf wetness duration measurement: comparison of cylindrical and flat plate sensors under different field conditons
PC Sentelhas, TJ Gillespie, EA Santos
International Journal of Biometeorology 51, 265-273, 2007
Measurements of methane emissions from a beef cattle feedlot using the eddy covariance technique
P Prajapati, EA Santos
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 232, 349-358, 2017
Use of the isotope flux ratio approach to investigate the C18O16O and 13CO2 exchange near the floor of a temperate deciduous forest
E Santos, C Wagner-Riddle, X Lee, J Warland, S Brown, R Staebler, ...
Biogeosciences 9 (7), 2385-2399, 2012
Sugarcane irrigation potential in Northwestern São Paulo, Brazil, by integrating Agrometeorological and GIS tools
V Perin, PC Sentelhas, HB Dias, EA Santos
Agricultural Water Management 220, 50-58, 2019
Estimating methane emissions from beef cattle in a feedlot using the eddy covariance technique and footprint analysis
P Prajapati, EA Santos
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 258, 18-28, 2018
Policy, technology, and management options for water conservation in the Ogallala aquifer in Kansas, USA
JL Steiner, DL Devlin, S Perkins, JP Aguilar, B Golden, EA Santos, ...
Water 13 (23), 3406, 2021
Modeling the impact of global warming on the sorghum sowing window in distinct climates in Brazil
MC Grossi, F Justino, CLT Andrade, EA Santos, RA Rodrigues, LC Costa
European journal of agronomy 51, 53-64, 2013
Regiões homogêneas e tamanho de amostra para atributos do clima no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil
TN Martin, D Dourado Neto, L Storck, P Burauel, EA Santos
Ciência Rural 38, 690-697, 2008
Mudas de Coffea canephora cultivadas sombreadas e a pleno sol
SD Tatagiba, EA Santos, JEM Pezzopane, EF Reis
Engenharia na Agricultura, 2009
Impacts of ammonia volatilization from broadcast urea on winter wheat production
V Perin, EA Santos, R Lollato, D Ruiz‐Diaz, GJ Kluitenberg
Agronomy Journal 112 (5), 3758-3772, 2020
Applying a Lagrangian dispersion analysis to infer carbon dioxide and latent heat fluxes in a corn canopy
EA Santos, C Wagner-Riddle, JS Warland, S Brown
Agricultural and forest meteorology 151 (5), 620-632, 2011
Ammonia volatilization from exposed soil and Tanzania grass pasture fertilized with urea and zeolite mixture
M Campana, AC Alves, PP Anchão de Oliveira, AC de Campos Bernardi, ...
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 46 (8), 1024-1033, 2015
Comparing methane emissions estimated using a backward-Lagrangian stochastic model and the eddy covariance technique in a beef cattle feedlot
P Prajapati, EA Santos
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 256, 482-491, 2018
Modeling of soybean under present and future climates in mozambique
MAD Talacuece, FB Justino, RÁ Rodrigues, MEP Flores, JG Nascimento, ...
Climate 4 (2), 31, 2016
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Articles 1–20