Carlos Eduardo Wetzel
Cited by
Cited by
JP Kociolek, K Balasubramanian, S Blanco, M Coste, L Ector, Y Liu, ...
Gomphonema sancti-naumii D. Metzeltin & Z. Levkov (2007)–http://www …, 2018
Use of epilithic diatoms as bioindicators from lotic systems in southern Brazil, with special emphasis on eutrophication
EA Lobo, VLM Callegaro, G Hermany, D Bes, CE Wetzel, MA Oliveira
Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 16 (1), 25-40, 2004
Distance decay of similarity in neotropical diatom communities
CE Wetzel, DC Bicudo, L Ector, EA Lobo, J Soininen, VL Landeiro, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e45071, 2012
Morphology, typification and critical analysis of some ecologically important small naviculoid species (Bacillariophyta)
CE Wetzel, L Ector, B Van de Vijver, P Compère, DG Mann
Fottea 15 (2), 203-234, 2015
Morphology and identity of some ecologically important small Nitzschia species
R Trobajo, L Rovira, L Ector, CE Wetzel, M Kelly, DG Mann
Diatom research 28 (1), 37-59, 2013
Diatoms as bioindicators in rivers
EA Lobo, CG Heinrich, M Schuch, CE Wetzel, L Ector
River algae, 245-271, 2016
Development of the Trophic Water Quality Index (TWQI) for subtropical temperate Brazilian lotic systems
EA Lobo, M Schuch, CG Heinrich, AB Da Costa, A Düpont, CE Wetzel, ...
Environmental monitoring and Assessment 187, 1-13, 2015
Response of epilithic diatom communities to environmental gradients in subtropical temperate Brazilian rivers
EA Lobo, CE Wetzel, L Ector, K Katoh, S Blanco Lanza, S Mayama
Limnetica 29 (2), 0323-340, 2010
Diatom flora in subterranean ecosystems: a review
E Falasco, L Ector, M Isaia, CE Wetzel, L Hoffmann, F Bona
International Journal of Speleology 43 (3), 231-251, 2014
On the potential for terrestrial diatom communities and diatom indices to identify anthropic disturbance in soils
M Antonelli, CE Wetzel, L Ector, AJ Teuling, L Pfister
Ecological Indicators 75, 73-81, 2017
DNA metabarcoding and microscopic analyses of sea turtles biofilms: Complementary to understand turtle behavior
SF Rivera, V Vasselon, K Ballorain, A Carpentier, CE Wetzel, L Ector, ...
PloS one 13 (4), e0195770, 2018
Hydrological connectivity inferred from diatom transport through the riparian-stream system
N Martínez-Carreras, CE Wetzel, J Frentress, L Ector, JJ McDonnell, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (7), 3133-3151, 2015
Taxonomy and ecology of Eunotia species (Bacillariophyta) in southeastern Brazilian reservoirs
LF Costa, CE Wetzel, H Lange-Bertalot, L Ector, DC Bicudo
Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2017
Analysis of the type of Fragilaria construens var. subsalina (Bacillariophyceae) and description of two morphologically related taxa from Europe and the United …
C Cejudo-Figueiras, EA Morales, CE Wetzel, S Blanco, L Hoffmann, ...
Phycologia 50 (1), 67-77, 2011
Colonial planktonic Eunotia (Bacillariophyceae) from Brazilian Amazon: Taxonomy and biogeographical considerations on the E. asterionelloides species complex
CE Wetzel, L Ector, L Hoffmann, DC Bicudo
Nova Hedwigia 91 (1), 49, 2010
Analysis of the type material of Achnanthidium lanceolatum Brébisson ex Kützing (Bacillariophyta) with the description of two new Planothidium species from the Antarctic Region
B Van de Vijver, C Wetzel, K Kopalová, R Zidorova, L Ector
Fottea 13 (2), 105–117, 2013
Looking back, looking forward: a review of the new literature on diatom teratological forms (2010–2020)
E Falasco, L Ector, CE Wetzel, G Badino, F Bona
Hydrobiologia 848, 1675-1753, 2021
Tursiocola podocnemicola sp. nov., a new epizoic freshwater diatom species from the Rio Negro in the Brazilian Amazon Basin
CE Wetzel, B Van de Vijver, EJ Cox, DC Bicudo, L Ector
Diatom research 27 (1), 1-8, 2012
A standard method for the routine sampling of terrestrial diatom communities for soil quality assessment
C Barragán, CE Wetzel, L Ector
Journal of Applied Phycology, 1-18, 2017
Bicudoa amazonica gen. nov. et sp. nov.(Bacillariophyta) a new freshwater diatom from the Amazon basin with a complete raphe loss in the Eunotioid lineage
CE Wetzel, H Lange-Bertalot, EA Morales, EC Bicudo, L Hoffmann, ...
Phytotaxa 75 (1), 1-18, 2012
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Articles 1–20