Sahar Bou-Ghazale, Ph.D.
Sahar Bou-Ghazale, Ph.D.
Technology Innovation
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Cited by
Getting started with SUSAS: a speech under simulated and actual stress database.
JHL Hansen, SE Bou-Ghazale, R Sarikaya, B Pellom
Eurospeech 97 (4), 1743-46, 1997
A comparative study of traditional and newly proposed features for recognition of speech under stress
SE Bou-Ghazale, JHL Hansen
IEEE Transactions on speech and audio processing 8 (4), 429-442, 2000
System and method for an endpoint detection of speech for improved speech recognition in noisy environments
SE Bou-Ghazale, AO Asadi, K Assaleh
US Patent 8,175,876, 2012
System and method for an endpoint detection of speech for improved speech recognition in noisy environment
S Bou-Ghazale, A Asadi, K Assaleh
US Patent App. 11/903,290, 2008
Robust speech boundary detection system and method
SE Bou-Ghazale, T Thormundsson, WB Wu
US Patent 9,886,968, 2018
A robust endpoint detection of speech for noisy environments with application to automatic speech recognition
SE Bou-Ghazale, K Assaleh
2002 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2002
HMM-based stressed speech modeling with application to improved synthesis and recognition of isolated speech under stress
SE Bou-Ghazale, JHL Hansen
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 6 (3), 201-216, 1998
Robust speech recognition training via duration and spectral-based stress token generation
JHL Hansen, SE Bou-Ghazale
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 3 (5), 415-421, 1995
System and method for a endpoint detection of speech for improved speech recognition in noisy environments
SE Bou-Ghazale, AO Asadi, K Assaleh
US Patent 7,277,853, 2007
Computationally efficient background noise suppressor for speech coding and speech recognition
SE Bou-Ghazale
US Patent 7,133,825, 2006
Generating stressed speech from neutral speech using a modified CELP vocoder
SE Bou-Ghazale, JHL Hansen
Speech Communication 20 (1-2), 93-110, 1996
Duration and spectral based stress token generation for HMM speech recognition under stress
SE Bou-Ghazale, JHL Hansen
Proceedings of ICASSP'94. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 1994
Stress perturbation of neutral speech for synthesis based on hidden Markov models
IEEE Transactions on Speech & Audio Processing 6, 201-216, 1998
Hands-free voice activation of personal communication devices
SE Bou-Ghazale, AO Asadi
2000 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2000
Duration and spectral based stress token generation for keyword recognition using hidden Markov models
JHL Hansen
IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process. 3 (5), 415-421, 1995
Duration and spectral based stress token generation for keyword recognition using hidden Markov models
SE Bou-Ghazale
Duke University, 1993
A novel training approach for improving speech recognition under adverse stressful conditions
SE Bou-Ghazale, JHL Hansen
Fifth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1997
Speech feature modeling for robust stressed speech recognition
SE Bou-Ghazale, JHL Hansen
Fifth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1998
A source generator based modeling framework for synthesis of speech under stress
SE Bou-Ghazale, JHL Hansen
1995 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 1 …, 1995
Improving recognition and synthesis of stressed speech via feature perturbation in a source generator framework
SE Bou-Ghazale, JHL Harisen
Proc. SUS 1995, 45-48, 1995
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Articles 1–20