Dmitry Kotov
Spurious behavior of shock-capturing methods by the fractional step approach: Problems containing stiff source terms and discontinuities
HC Yee, DV Kotov, W Wang, CW Shu
Journal of Computational Physics 241, 266-291, 2013
Numerical dissipation control in high order shock-capturing schemes for LES of low speed flows
DV Kotov, HC Yee, AA Wray, B Sjögreen, AG Kritsuk
Journal of Computational Physics 307, 189-202, 2016
Computational challenges for simulations related to the NASA electric arc shock tube (EAST) experiments
DV Kotov, HC Yee, M Panesi, DK Prabhu, AA Wray
Journal of Computational Physics 269, 215-233, 2014
Skew-symmetric splitting and stability of high order central schemes
B Sjögreen, HC Yee, D Kotov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 837 (1), 012019, 2017
High order numerical methods for the dynamic SGS model of turbulent flows with shocks
DV Kotov, HC Yee, AA Wray, A Hadjadj, B Sjögreen
Communications in Computational Physics 19 (2), 273-300, 2016
High order finite difference methods with subcell resolution for stiff multispecies discontinuity capturing
W Wang, CW Shu, HC Yee, DV Kotov, B Sjögreen
Communications in Computational Physics 17 (2), 317-336, 2015
Skew-symmetric splitting for multiscale gas dynamics and MHD turbulence flows
B Sjögreen, HC Yee, D Kotov, AG Kritsuk
Journal of Scientific Computing 83, 1-40, 2020
Comparative study of high-order positivity-preserving WENO schemes
DV Kotov, HC Yee, B Sjögreen
Computation of hypersonic flow and radiation of viscous chemically reacting gas in a channel modeling a section of a scramjet
DV Kotov, ST Surzhikov
High Temperature 50 (1), 120-130, 2012
Local estimation of directional emissivity of light-scattering volumes using the Monte-Carlo method
DV Kotov, ST Surzhikov
High Temperature 45, 807-817, 2007
Numerical dissipation and wrong propagation speed of discontinuities for stiff source terms
HC Yee, DV Kotov, B Sjogreen
ASTRONUM 2011, 2011
On spurious numerics in solving reactive equations
DV Kotov, HC Yee, W Wang, CW Shu
Numerical Combustion Conference, 2013
High order numerical methods for LES of turbulent flows with shocks
DV Kotov, H Yee, A Hadjadj, A Wray, B Sjögreen
Molecular dynamics simulation of the rate of dissociation and of the time of vibrational relaxation of diatomic molecules
DV Kotov, ST Surzhikov
High Temperature 46, 604-613, 2008
Performance of improved high-order filter schemes for turbulent flows with shocks
DV Kotov, H Yee
ASTRONUM 2013, 2013
High order nonlinear filter methods for subsonic turbulence simulation with stochastic forcing
AG Kritsuk, D Kotov, B Sjögreen, HC Yee
Journal of Computational Physics 431, 110118, 2021
Calculation of viscous and inviscid gas flows on unstructured grids using the AUSM scheme
DV Kotov, ST Surzhikov
Fluid Dynamics 46 (5), 809-825, 2011
Comparative study of high order methods for subsonic turbulence simulation with stochastic forcing
AG Kritsuk, HC Yee, B Sjögreen, D Kotov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1623 (1), 012010, 2020
DV Kotov, HC Yee, A Wray, A Hadjadj, B Sjögreen
空气动力学学报 34 (2), 190-203, 2016
Corrigendum to ‘‘Spurious behavior of shock-capturing methods by the fractional step approach: Problems containing stiff source terms and discontinuities’’[J. Comput. Phys. 241 …
HC Yee, DV Kotov, W Wang, CW Shu
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