Sushanta K. Mandal
Sushanta K. Mandal
Adamas University, Kolkata
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ANN-and PSO-based synthesis of on-chip spiral inductors for RF ICs
SK Mandal, S Sural, A Patra
IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and …, 2007
Reconfigurable antennas and their applications
HC Mohanta, A Kouzani, SK Mandal
Deakin University, 2019
Low power multiplier architectures using vedic mathematics in 45nm technology for high speed computing
BSP Suryasnata Tripathy, L B Omprakash, Sushanta K. Mandal
Communication, Information & Computing Technology (ICCICT), 2015 …, 2015
Analysis of daylighting using daylight factor and luminance for different room scenarios
BN Mohapatra, MR Kumar, SK Mandal
Int. J. Civ. Eng. Technol 9 (10), 949-960, 2018
A comparative analysis of different 8-bit adder topologies at 45 nm technology
S Tripathy, LB Omprakash, BS Patro, SK Mandal
International journal of engineering research and technology 2 (10), 2013
Analysis of light tubes in interior daylighting system for building
BN Mohapatra, MR Kumar, SK Mandal
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 17 (2 …, 2020
Positioning of light shelves to enhance daylight illuminance in office rooms
BN Mohapatra, MR Kumar, SK Mandal
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 15 (1 …, 2019
A 6–17 GHz linear wide tuning range and low power ring oscillator in 45nm CMOS process for electronic warfare
BS Patro, JK Panigrahi, SK Mandal
2012 International Conference on Communication, Information & Computing …, 2012
A wide-band lumped element compact CAD model of Si-based planar spiral inductor for RFIC design
SK Mandal, A De, A Patra, S Sural
19th International Conference on VLSI Design held jointly with 5th …, 2006
Swarm optimization based on-chip inductor optimization
SK Mandal, A Goyel, A Gupta
2009 4th International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication …, 2009
Low power, high speed full adder architectures in 45nm technology
S Tripathy, LB Omprakash, BS Patro, SK Mandal
International conference on VLSI and signal processing, IIT Kharagpur, 2014
FGMOS based low-voltage low-power high output impedance regulated cascode current mirror
A Anand, SK Mandal, A Dash, BS Patro
International Journal of VLSI Design & Communication Systems 4 (2), 39, 2013
Low power FGSRAM cell using sleepy and LECTOR technique
KB Ray, SK Mandal, BS Patro
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 4 (2), 333-340, 2016
An efficient power clock generation circuit for complementary pass-transistor adiabatic logic carry-save multiplier
P Ranjith, SK Mandal, D Nagchoudhuri
2009 4th International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication …, 2009
A brief review on fault detection, classification and location on transmission lines using PMUs
KB Swain, CC Mahato
Int. J. Manage. Technol. Eng. 8, 2608-2618, 2018
High speed low power datapath design using multi threshold logic in 45 nm technology for signsl processing application
S Tripathy, SK Mandal
National Conference on VLSI Signal Processing and Trends in …, 2014
Edge Detection using Sobel Technique
SK Mandal, S Tripathi
J. Crit. Rev 7, 929-933, 2020
A flipped voltage follower based analog multiplier in 90nm CMOS process
A Satapathy, SK Maity, SK Mandal
2015 International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and …, 2015
A Comprehensive Review on Energy Management Strategies in Hybrid Renewable Energy System
International Journal of Engineering & Technology (UAE) 7 (2.23), 450-454, 2018
BS Patro, SK Mandal
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 7 (1), 90-96, 2017
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Articles 1–20