Jonathan T. Kane
Jonathan T. Kane
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Mapped versus actual burned area within wildfire perimeters: characterizing the unburned
CA Kolden, JA Lutz, CH Key, JT Kane, JW Van Wagtendonk
Forest Ecology and Management 286, 38-47, 2012
Water balance and topography predict fire and forest structure patterns
VR Kane, JA Lutz, CA Cansler, NA Povak, DJ Churchill, DF Smith, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 338, 1-13, 2015
Mixed severity fire effects within the Rim fire: Relative importance of local climate, fire weather, topography, and forest structure
VR Kane, CA Cansler, NA Povak, JT Kane, RJ McGaughey, JA Lutz, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 358, 62-79, 2015
Assessing fire effects on forest spatial structure using a fusion of Landsat and airborne LiDAR data in Yosemite National Park
VR Kane, MP North, JA Lutz, DJ Churchill, SL Roberts, DF Smith, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 151, 89-101, 2014
Cover of tall trees best predicts California spotted owl habitat
MP North, JT Kane, VR Kane, GP Asner, W Berigan, DJ Churchill, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 405, 166-178, 2017
Fire frequency, area burned, and severity: a quantitative approach to defining a normal fire year
JA Lutz, CH Key, CA Kolden, JT Kane, JW Van Wagtendonk
Fire Ecology 7, 51-65, 2011
Previous wildfires and management treatments moderate subsequent fire severity
CA Cansler, VR Kane, PF Hessburg, JT Kane, SMA Jeronimo, JA Lutz, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 504, 119764, 2022
First-entry wildfires can create opening and tree clump patterns characteristic of resilient forests
VR Kane, BN Bartl-Geller, MP North, JT Kane, JM Lydersen, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 454, 117659, 2019
Multi-scaled drivers of severity patterns vary across land ownerships for the 2013 Rim Fire, California
NA Povak, VR Kane, BM Collins, JM Lydersen, JT Kane
Landscape Ecology 35, 293-318, 2020
Climate contributors to forest mosaics: ecological persistence following wildfire
CA Kolden, JT Abatzoglou, JA Lutz, CA Cansler, JT Kane, ...
Northwest Science 89 (3), 219-238, 2015
Three-dimensional partitioning of resources by congeneric forest predators with recent sympatry
JMA Jenkins, DB Lesmeister, JD Wiens, JT Kane, VR Kane, J Verschuyl
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 6036, 2019
Multiscale divergence between Landsat-and lidar-based biomass mapping is related to regional variation in canopy cover and composition
DM Bell, MJ Gregory, V Kane, J Kane, RE Kennedy, HM Roberts, Z Yang
Carbon Balance and Management 13, 1-14, 2018
Wildfire severity and postfire salvage harvest effects on long‐term forest regeneration
NA Povak, DJ Churchill, CA Cansler, PF Hessburg, VR Kane, JT Kane, ...
Ecosphere 11 (8), e03199, 2020
Elevational gradients strongly mediate habitat selection patterns in a nocturnal predator
HA Kramer, GM Jones, VR Kane, B Bartl‐Geller, JT Kane, SA Whitmore, ...
Ecosphere 12 (5), e03500, 2021
Postfire treatments alter forest canopy structure up to three decades after fire
CA Cansler, VR Kane, BN Bartl-Geller, DJ Churchill, PF Hessburg, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 505, 119872, 2022
Synthesis of Polyfunctionalised 2-Piperidinones Catalysed by Fe (acac) 3
EPA Talbot
Synlett 30 (07), 821-826, 2019
Sierra Nevada reference conditions: A dataset of contemporary reference sites and corresponding remote sensing-derived forest structure metrics for yellow pine and mixed …
CP Chamberlain, GR Cova, VR Kane, CA Cansler, JT Kane, ...
Data in Brief 51, 109807, 2023
Sierra Nevada contemporary reference site boundaries and corresponding remote sensing-derived canopy structure rasters
CP Chamberlain, GR Cova, VR Kane, CA Cansler, BN Bartl-Geller, ...
Reconciling species conservation and ecosystem resilience: Northern spotted owl habitat sustainability in a fire-dependent forest landscape
JS Halofsky, DC Donato, PH Singleton, DJ Churchill, GW Meigs, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 567, 122072, 2024
Learning from wildfires: A scalable framework to evaluate treatment effects on burn severity
CP Chamberlain, GW Meigs, DJ Churchill, JT Kane, A Sanna, JS Begley, ...
Ecosphere 15 (12), e70073, 2024
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Articles 1–20