Vladi Kolici
Vladi Kolici
Polytechnic University of Tirana
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A fuzzy-based CAC scheme for cellular networks considering security
V Kolici, T Inaba, A Lala, G Mino, S Sakamoto, L Barolli
2014 17th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, 368-373, 2014
Vanet simulators: A survey on mobility and routing protocols
E Spaho, L Barolli, G Mino, F Xhafa, V Kolici
2011 International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing …, 2011
A CAC scheme based on fuzzy logic for cellular networks considering security and priority parameters
T Inaba, S Sakamoto, V Kolici, G Mino, L Barolli
2014 Ninth International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing …, 2014
The Range and Horizon Plane Simulation for Ground Stations of Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) Satellites.
S Cakaj, B Kamo, V Koliçi, O Shurdi
Int. J. Commun. Netw. Syst. Sci. 4 (9), 585-589, 2011
Application of WMN-SA simulation system for node placement in wireless mesh networks: a case study for a realistic scenario
S Sakamoto, A Lala, T Oda, V Kolici, L Barolli, F Xhafa
International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications …, 2014
Analysis of WMN-HC simulation system data using friedman test
S Sakamoto, A Lala, T Oda, V Kolici, L Barolli, F Xhafa
2015 Ninth international conference on complex, intelligent, and software …, 2015
Clustering algorithms in MANETs: A review
M Alinci, E Spaho, A Lala, V Kolici
2015 ninth international conference on complex, intelligent, and software …, 2015
Implementation of a medical support system considering P2P and IoT technologies
V Kolici, E Spaho, K Matsuo, S Caballe, L Barolli, F Xhafa
2014 Eighth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software …, 2014
Application of JXTA-overlay platform for secure robot control
E Spaho, K Matsuo, L Barolli, F Xhafa Xhafa, J Arnedo Moreno, V Kolici
Journal of Mobile Multimedia 6 (3), 227-242, 2010
Stimulation effects of smartbox for e-learning using jxta-overlay p2p system
K Matsuo, L Barolli, V Kolici, F Xhafa, A Koyama, A Durresi
2009 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive …, 2009
Performance evaluation of WMN-PSOSA considering four different replacement methods
S Sakamoto, K Ozera, A Barolli, L Barolli, V Kolici, M Takizawa
Advances in Internet, Data & Web Technologies: The 6th International …, 2018
MANET performance for source and destination moving scenarios considering OLSR and AODV protocols
E Kulla, M Hiyama, M Ikeda, L Barolli, V Kolici, R Miho
Mobile Information Systems 6 (4), 325-339, 2010
Evaluation of single-copy and multiple-copy routing protocols in a realistic VDTN scenario
E Spaho, L Barolli, V Kolici, A Lala
2016 10th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software …, 2016
Data replication in P2P collaborative systems
F Xhafa, V Kolici, AD Potlog, E Spaho, L Barolli, M Takizawa
2012 Seventh International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and …, 2012
Integrity monitoring in navigation systems: Fault detection and exclusion RAIM algorithm implementation
A Rakipi, B Kamo, S Cakaj, V Kolici, A Lala, I Shinko
Journal of Computer and Communications 3 (06), 25, 2015
Local search and genetic algorithms for satellite scheduling problems
V Kolici, X Herrero, F Xhafa, L Barolli
2013 Eighth International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing …, 2013
Effects of source and destination movement on MANET performance considering OLSR and AODV protocols
E Kulla, M Ikeda, L Barolli, R Miho, V Kolici
2010 13th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, 510-515, 2010
Simulation and measurements of VSWR for microwave communication systems
B Kamo, S Cakaj, V Koliçi, E Mulla
Scientific Research Publishing, 2012
Implementation of an e-learning system using P2P, web and sensor technologies
K Matsuo, L Barolli, F Xhafa, V Kolici, A Koyama, A Durresi, R Miho
2009 International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2009
Hybrid algorithms for independent batch scheduling in grids
F Xhafa, J Kolodziej, L Barolli, V Kolici, R Miho, M Takizawa
International Journal of Web and Grid Services 8 (2), 134-152, 2012
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Articles 1–20