Dongning Luo
Dongning Luo
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Cited by
Eventriver: Visually exploring text collections with temporal references
D Luo, J Yang, M Krstajic, W Ribarsky, D Keim
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 18 (1), 93-105, 2010
Streamit: Dynamic visualization and interactive exploration of text streams
J Alsakran, Y Chen, Y Zhao, J Yang, D Luo
2011 IEEE pacific visualization symposium, 131-138, 2011
Newslab: Exploratory broadcast news video analysis
M Ghoniem, D Luo, J Yang, W Ribarsky
2007 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 123-130, 2007
Real-time visualization of streaming text with a force-based dynamic system
J Alsakran, Y Chen, D Luo, Y Zhao, J Yang, W Dou, S Liu
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 32 (1), 34-45, 2011
Newdle: Interactive visual exploration of large online news collections
J Yang, D Luo, Y Liu
IEEE computer graphics and applications 30 (5), 32-41, 2010
EventRiver: interactive visual exploration of constantly evolving text collections
D Luo, J Yang, M Krstajic, J Fan, W Ribarsky, D Keim
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2010
Eventriver: An event-based visual analytics approach to exploring large text collections with a temporal focus
D Luo, J Yang, M Krstajic, J Fan, W Ribarsky, D Keim
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 18 (1), 93-105, 2012
Large-scale comparative sentiment analysis of news articles
F Wanner, C Rohrdantz, F Mansmann, A Stoffel, D Oelke, M Krstajic, ...
Experiences and Demonstration on Promoting LNG Vehicles in China
Y Liu, D Luo
Natural Gas Industry 27 (6), 123, 2007
Silicon content reduction in hot metal at Laiwu Iron and Steel Co., Ltd
D Luo, Y Liu
Iron and Steel(China)(China) 37 (6), 3-5, 2002
A Two-Dimensional Inverse Method for the Design of Centrifugal Pumps
F Wang, S Liu, D Luo
International Conference on Fluid Machinery, 29-34, 1997
Development of a Computer Aided Design System for Pumps
F Wang, S Liu, D Luo, G Wang, H Luo, Z Liu
International Conference on Fluid Machinery, 693-698, 1997
Poster: Visual Analysis of Stream Texts with Keywords Significance
J Alsakran, Y Zhao, D Luo, J Yang
From Overview To Details: Topic Modeling-Based Visual Analytics Based Visual Analytics Approaches to Exploring NSF Research Collections
J Yang, B Ribarsky, R Chang, W Dou, D Luo, Y Liu
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Articles 1–14