Deepti Muley
Deepti Muley
Qatar Transportation and Traffic Safety Center/Department of Civil Engineering, Qatar University
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Exploring the impacts of COVID-19 on travel behavior and mode preferences
M Abdullah, C Dias, D Muley, M Shahin
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 8, 100255, 2020
Analysis of illegal pedestrian crossing behavior on a major divided arterial road
K Shaaban, D Muley, A Mohammed
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 54, 124-137, 2018
Role of transport during outbreak of infectious diseases: evidence from the past
D Muley, M Shahin, C Dias, M Abdullah
Sustainability 12 (18), 7367, 2020
Quantifying the impact of COVID–19 preventive measures on traffic in the State of Qatar
D Muley, MS Ghanim, A Mohammad, M Kharbeche
Transport Policy 103, 45-59, 2021
Pedestrians' crossing behavior at marked crosswalks on channelized right-turn lanes at intersections
D Muley, M Kharbeche, W Alhajyaseen, M Al-Salem
Procedia computer science 109, 233-240, 2017
Evaluating the effect of seasonal variations on walking behaviour in a hot weather country using logistic regression
K Shaaban, D Muley, D Elnashar
International Journal of Urban Sciences 22 (3), 382-391, 2018
Investigation of weather impacts on pedestrian volumes
K Shaaban, D Muley
Transportation research procedia 14, 115-122, 2016
Temporal variation in walking behavior: An empirical study
K Shaaban, D Muley, D Elnashar
Case studies on transport policy 5 (4), 671-680, 2017
Prediction of traffic conflicts at signalized intersections using SSAM
D Muley, M Ghanim, M Kharbeche
Procedia computer science 130, 255-262, 2018
Pedestrians’ speed analysis at signalized crosswalks
D Muley, W Alhajyaseen, M Kharbeche, M Al-Salem
Procedia computer science 130, 567-574, 2018
ANN-Based traffic volume prediction models in response to COVID-19 imposed measures
MS Ghanim, D Muley, M Kharbeche
Sustainable cities and society 81, 103830, 2022
Modeling pedestrian gap acceptance behavior at a six-lane urban road
K Shaaban, D Muley, A Mohammed
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 1-18, 2019
Evaluating Transit Quality of Service for Transit Orientated Development (TOD)
D Muley, J Bunker, L Ferreira
30th Australasian Transport Research Forum Papers, 1-16, 2007
Investigation into Travel Modes of TOD Users: Impacts of Personal and Transit
D Muley, J Bunker, L Ferreira
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research 7 (1), 3-13, 2009
Transport impacts in Germany and State of Qatar: An assessment during the first wave of COVID-19
B Jaekel, D Muley
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 13, 100540, 2022
Assessment of different pedestrian communication strategies for improving driver behavior at marked crosswalks on free channelized right turns
A Almukdad, D Muley, R Alfahel, F Alkadour, R Ismail, WKM Alhajyaseen
Journal of safety research 84, 232-242, 2023
Are professional drivers more aggressive than general drivers? A case study from Doha, Qatar
C Dias, M Kharbeche, D Muley, A Kashem, MA Fahed, SV Iral, ...
Procedia Computer Science 201, 16-23, 2022
Road Users’ Behavior at Marked Crosswalks on Channelized Right-Turn Lanes at Intersections in the State of Qatar
D Muley, M Kharbeche, L Downey, W Saleh, M Al-Salem
Sustainability 11 (20), 5699, 2019
Relationship between chauffeurs’ demographics, and knowledge of traffic signs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
W Alhajyaseen, N Ratrout, D Muley
Procedia Computer Science 130, 34-41, 2018
Effect of U-turns and heavy vehicles on the saturation flow rates of left-turn lanes at signalized intersections
A Abuhijleh, C Dias, W Alhajyaseen, D Muley
Sustainability 12 (11), 4485, 2020
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