Tyler Reny
Cited by
Cited by
Xenophobia in the time of pandemic: Othering, anti-Asian attitudes, and COVID-19
TT Reny, MA Barreto
Politics, Groups, and Identities 10 (2), 209-232, 2022
Roots of the radical right: Nostalgic deprivation in the United States and Britain
J Gest, T Reny, J Mayer
Comparative Political Studies 51 (13), 1694-1719, 2018
The Opinion Mobilizing Effect of Social Protest Against Police Violence: Evidence from the 2020 George Floyd Protests
TT Reny, BJ Newman
American Political Science Review, 2021
Vote switching in the 2016 election: How racial and immigration attitudes, not economics, explain shifts in white voting
TT Reny, L Collingwood, AA Valenzuela
Public Opinion Quarterly 83 (1), 91-113, 2019
“No, You're Playing the Race Card”: Testing the Effects of Anti‐Black, Anti‐Latino, and Anti‐Immigrant Appeals in the Post‐Obama Era
TT Reny, AA Valenzuela, L Collingwood
Political Psychology, 1-20., 2019
The Negative Effects of Mass Media Stereotypes of Latinos and Immigrants
T Reny, S Manzano
Media and Minorities: Questions on Representation from an International …, 2016
Masculine Norms and Infectious Disease: The Case of COVID-19
TT Reny
Politics & Gender, 1-23, 2020
Protecting the right to discriminate: the second great migration and racial threat in the American West
TT Reny, BJ Newman
American Political Science Review 112 (4), 1104-1110, 2018
Democracy fund+ UCLA nationscape methodology and representativeness assessment
C Tausanovitch, L Vavreck, T Reny, AR Hayes, A Rudkin
Democracy Fund Voter Study Group, 2019
The Evolution of Experiments on Racial Priming
AA Valenzuela, T Reny
Advances in Experimental Political Science, 2020
Threat, Mobilization, and Latino Voting in the 2018 Election
T Reny, B Wilcox-Archuleta, VC Nichols
The Forum 16 (4), 631-657, 2018
Survey methodology and the latina/o vote: Why a bilingual, bicultural, latino-centered approach matters
MA Barreto, T Reny, B Wilcox-Archuleta
Aztlan: A Journal of Chicano Studies 42 (2), 211-227, 2017
New Americans and the Quest for Political Office
T Reny, P Shah
Social Science Quarterly, 2018
Symbolic politics and self-interest in post-Affordable Care Act health Insurance coverage
TT Reny, DO Sears
Research & Politics 7 (3), 2053168020955108, 2020
Demographic change, Latino countermobilization, and the politics of immigration in US senate campaigns
T Reny
Political Research Quarterly 70 (4), 735-748, 2017
The color of Disparity: racialized income inequality and support for liberal economic policies
BJ Newman, TT Reny, BS Ooi
The Journal of Politics 84 (3), 1818-1822, 2022
Race, prejudice and support for racial justice countermovements: The case of “Blue Lives Matter”
BJ Newman, TT Reny, JL Merolla
Political Behavior 46 (3), 1491-1510, 2024
Public mass shootings cause large surges in Americans’ engagement with gun policy
TT Reny, BJ Newman, JB Holbein, HJG Hassell
PNAS nexus 2 (12), pgad407, 2023
Female empowerment and the politics of language: Evidence using gender-neutral amendments to subnational constitutions
BJ Newman, SL DeMora, TT Reny
British Journal of Political Science 51 (4), 1761-1772, 2021
Should I stay or should I go?
M Barreto, T Reny, S Diaz
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Articles 1–20