Radomil Řežucha
Radomil Řežucha
Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
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Alternative intrapopulation life‐history strategies and their trade‐offs in an African annual fish
M Polačik, R Blažek, R Řežucha, M Vrtílek, E Terzibasi Tozzini, ...
Journal of evolutionary biology 27 (5), 854-865, 2014
Repeated intraspecific divergence in life span and aging of African annual fishes along an aridity gradient
R Blažek, M Polačik, P Kačer, A Cellerino, R Řežucha, C Methling, ...
Evolution 71 (2), 386-402, 2017
The effect of social environment on alternative mating tactics in male Endler's guppy, Poecilia wingei
R Řežucha, M Reichard
Animal Behaviour 88, 195-202, 2014
Strategic exploitation of fluctuating asymmetry in male Endler's guppy courtship displays is modulated by social environment
R Řežucha, M Reichard
Journal of evolutionary biology 28 (2), 356-367, 2015
Personality traits, reproductive behaviour and alternative mating tactics in male European bitterling, Rhodeus amarus
R Řežucha, C Smith, M Reichard
Behaviour 149 (5), 531-553, 2012
The Association Between Personality Traits, Morphological Traits and Alternative Mating Behaviour in Male Endler's Guppies, Poecilia wingei
R Řežucha, M Reichard
Ethology 122 (6), 456-467, 2016
Top predator’s aggressiveness and mesopredator’s risk-aversion additively determine probability of predation
R Michalko, R Řežucha
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72, 1-8, 2018
Link between Aggressiveness and Shyness in the Spider Philodromus albidus (Araneae, Philodromidae): State Dependency over Stability
R Michalko, O Košulič, R Řežucha
Journal of insect behavior 30, 48-59, 2017
Individual-level pace-of-life syndromes in annual killifish are mediated by intersexual and interspecific differences
C Methling, R Blažek, R Řežucha, M Reichard
Evolutionary Ecology 34, 745-761, 2020
Evolutionary ecology of annual fishes
M Reichard, R Řežucha, M Polačik, R Blažek
Organizer: Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk …, 2016
Personality, reprodukční strategie a pohlavní výběr u vybraných taxonů ryb
R Řežucha
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Articles 1–11