Olaf Schenk
Olaf Schenk
Professor, Institute of Computing, Universita della Svizzera italiana, SIAM Fellow
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Cited by
Solving unsymmetric sparse systems of linear equations with PARDISO
O Schenk, K Gärtner
Future Generation Computer Systems 20 (3), 475-487, 2004
On fast factorization pivoting methods for sparse symmetric indefinite systems
O Schenk, K Gärtner
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 23 (1), 158-179, 2006
Patus: A code generation and autotuning framework for parallel iterative stencil computations on modern microarchitectures
M Christen, O Schenk, H Burkhart
2011 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 676-687, 2011
PARDISO: a high-performance serial and parallel sparse linear solver in semiconductor device simulation
O Schenk, K Gärtner, W Fichtner, A Stricker
Future Generation Computer Systems 18 (1), 69-78, 2001
On large-scale diagonalization techniques for the Anderson model of localization
O Schenk, M Bollhöfer, RA Römer
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 28 (3), 963-983, 2006
Efficient sparse LU factorization with left-right looking strategy on shared memory multiprocessors
O Schenk, K Gärtner, W Fichtner
BIT Numerical Mathematics 40, 158-176, 2000
Matching-based preprocessing algorithms to the solution of saddle-point problems in large-scale nonconvex interior-point optimization
O Schenk, A Wächter, M Hagemann
Computational Optimization and Applications 36, 321-341, 2007
An augmented incomplete factorization approach for computing the Schur complement in stochastic optimization
CG Petra, O Schenk, M Lubin, K Gärtner
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (2), C139-C162, 2014
Fast methods for computing selected elements of the Green’s function in massively parallel nanoelectronic device simulations
A Kuzmin, M Luisier, O Schenk
Euro-Par 2013 Parallel Processing: 19th International Conference, Aachen …, 2013
Toward the next generation of multiperiod optimal power flow solvers
D Kourounis, A Fuchs, O Schenk
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (4), 4005-4014, 2018
Real-time stochastic optimization of complex energy systems on high-performance computers
CG Petra, O Schenk, M Anitescu
Computing in Science & Engineering 16 (5), 32-42, 2014
Two-level dynamic scheduling in PARDISO: Improved scalability on shared memory multiprocessing systems
O Schenk, K Gärtner
Parallel Computing 28 (2), 187-197, 2002
A recursive algebraic coloring technique for hardware-efficient symmetric sparse matrix-vector multiplication
C Alappat, A Basermann, AR Bishop, H Fehske, G Hager, O Schenk, ...
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC) 7 (3), 1-37, 2020
State-of-the-art sparse direct solvers
M Bollhöfer, O Schenk, R Janalik, S Hamm, K Gullapalli
Parallel algorithms in computational science and engineering, 3-33, 2020
Algebraic multilevel preconditioner for the Helmholtz equation in heterogeneous media
M Bollhöfer, MJ Grote, O Schenk
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (5), 3781-3805, 2009
Large-scale sparse inverse covariance matrix estimation
M Bollhofer, A Eftekhari, S Scheidegger, O Schenk
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 41 (1), A380-A401, 2019
Combinatorial scientific computing
U Naumann, O Schenk
CRC Press, 2012
Enhancing the scalability of selected inversion factorization algorithms in genomic prediction
F Verbosio, A De Coninck, D Kourounis, O Schenk
Journal of computational science 22, 99-108, 2017
Optimal design of metal forming die surfaces with evolution strategies
O Schenk, M Hillmann
Computers & structures 82 (20-21), 1695-1705, 2004
Algorithmic performance studies on graphics processing units
O Schenk, M Christen, H Burkhart
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 68 (10), 1360-1369, 2008
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Articles 1–20