Linda Meyer Williams
Linda Meyer Williams
Senior Research Scientist and Director Justice and Gender-Based Violence Research Initiative
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Impact of sexual abuse on children: a review and synthesis of recent empirical studies.
KA Kendall-Tackett, LM Williams, D Finkelhor
Psychological bulletin 113 (1), 164, 1993
Recall of childhood trauma: A prospective study of women's memories of child sexual abuse
LM Williams
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 62, 1167-1167, 1994
The long-term mental health consequences of child sexual abuse: An exploratory study of the impact of multiple traumas in a sample of women
VL Banyard, LM Williams, JA Siegel
Journal of traumatic stress 14 (4), 697-715, 2001
Nursery crimes: Sexual abuse in day care.
D Finkelhor, LM Williams, with, N Burns, M Kalinowski
Sage Publications, Inc, 1988
Recovered memories of abuse in women with documented child sexual victimization histories
LM Williams
Journal of traumatic stress 8 (4), 649-673, 1995
The impact of complex trauma and depression on parenting: An exploration of mediating risk and protective factors
VL Banyard, LM Williams, JA Siegel
Child Maltreatment 8 (4), 334-349, 2003
The relationship between child sexual abuse and female delinquency and crime: A prospective study
JA Siegel, LM Williams
Journal of research in Crime and Delinquency 40 (1), 71-94, 2003
The aftermath of rape
TW McCahill, LC Meyer, AM Fischman
Lexington Books, 1979
Mentoring college-age women: A relational approach
B Liang, AJ Tracy, CA Taylor, LM Williams
American journal of community psychology 30 (2), 271-288, 2002
The characteristics of incestuous fathers: A recent review of studies
LM Williams, D Finkelhor
Handbook of sexual assault: Issues, theories, and treatment of the offender …, 1990
The relational health indices: A study of women's relationships
B Liang, A Tracy, CA Taylor, LM Williams, JV Jordan, JB Miller
Psychology of Women Quarterly 26 (1), 25-35, 2002
Partner violence: A comprehensive review of 20 years of research
JL Jasinski, LM Williams
Sage, 1998
Women's voices on recovery: A multi-method study of the complexity of recovery from child sexual abuse
VL Banyard, LM Williams
Child Abuse & Neglect 31 (3), 275-290, 2007
Adult sexual revictimization among Black women sexually abused in childhood: A prospective examination of serious consequences of abuse
CM West, LM Williams, JA Siegel
Child Maltreatment 5 (1), 49-57, 2000
Encouraging Responses in Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention What Program Effects Remain 1 Year Later?
MM Moynihan, VL Banyard, AC Cares, SJ Potter, LM Williams, ...
Journal of interpersonal violence 30 (1), 110-132, 2015
Childhood sexual abuse: A gender perspective on context and consequences
VL Banyard, LM Williams, JA Siegel
Child Maltreatment 9 (3), 223-238, 2004
Violence against women by intimate relationship partners
P Mahoney, LM Williams, CM West
Sourcebook on violence against women, 143-178, 2001
Sexual assault in marriage: Prevalence, consequences, and treatment of wife rape
P Mahoney, LM Williams
Partner violence: A comprehensive review of 20, 113-162, 1998
Changing Attitudes About Being a Bystander to Violence Translating an In-Person Sexual Violence Prevention Program to a New Campus
AC Cares, VL Banyard, MM Moynihan, LM Williams, SJ Potter, ...
Violence against women 21 (2), 165-187, 2015
Relational Outcomes of Childhood Sexual Trauma in Female Survivors A Longitudinal Study
B Liang, LM Williams, JA Siegel
Journal of interpersonal violence 21 (1), 42-57, 2006
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Articles 1–20