Laura Gamboa
Cited by
Cited by
Says who? An experiment on allegations of corruption and credibility of sources
S Botero, RC Cornejo, L Gamboa, N Pavao, DW Nickerson
Political Research Quarterly 68 (3), 493-504, 2015
Opposition at the Margins: Strategies Against the Erosion of Democracy in Colombia and Venezuela
L Gamboa
Comparative Politics 49 (4), 457-477, 2017
Deinstitutionalization without collapse: Colombia’s party system
J Albarracín, L Gamboa, S Mainwaring
Party systems in Latin America: Institutionalization, decay, and collapse …, 2018
El reajuste de la derecha colombiana. El éxito electoral del uribismo ()
L Gamboa Gutiérrez
Colombia Internacional, 187-214, 2019
Opposition at the Margins
L Gamboa
Cambridge University Press, 2022
Are all types of wrongdoing created equal in the eyes of voters?
S Botero, R Castro Cornejo, L Gamboa, N Pavao, DW Nickerson
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 31 (2), 141-158, 2021
Venezuela: Aprofundamento Do Autoritarismo Ou Transição Para a Democracia?
L Gamboa
Relações internacionais, 2016
Can Americans depolarize? Assessing the effects of reciprocal group reflection on partisan polarization
H Baron, R Blair, DD Choi, L Gamboa, J Gottlieb, AL Robinson, ...
Preprint at OSF https://doi. org/10.31219/osf. io/3x7z8, 2021
Who undermines the peace at the ballot box? The case of Colombia
AO Pechenkina, L Gamboa
Terrorism and Political Violence 34 (2), 197-217, 2022
Latin America's Shifting Politics: The Peace Process and Colombia's Elections
L Gamboa
Journal of Democracy 29 (4), 54-64, 2018
Corte al Congreso: Poder judicial y trámite legislativo en Colombia
S Botero, L Gamboa
Latin American Research Review 56 (3), 592-606, 2021
Estrategias de la oposición contra la erosión democrática
L Gamboa
lasa Forum 59 (2), 21-28, 2023
How Oppositions Fight Back
L Gamboa
Journal of Democracy 34 (3), 90-104, 2023
Democratic erosion event dataset v5
J Gottlieb, R Blair, H Baron, A Arugay, C Ballard-Rosa, G Beatty, B Esen, ...
Democratic Erosion: A Cross-University Collaboration, 2022
Under friendly fire: An experiment on partisan press, fragmented opposition and voting behavior
S Botero, RC Cornejo, L Gamboa, N Pavao, DW Nickerson
Electoral Studies 60, 102044, 2019
Party Systems in Latin America: Institutionalization, Decay, and Collapse
J Albarracín, L Gamboa, S Mainwaring, S Mainwaring
Cambridge University Press, 2018
Incertidumbre y oposición: la derecha ante el gobierno de Gustavo Petro
L Gamboa
Nueva Sociedad, 136-145, 2023
Desde dos flancos: hacia una reconfiguración de la oposición en Colombia
L Gamboa, JP Milanese
En Barrero, Fredy, Desde dos flancos: hacia una reconfiguración de la …, 2015
Oposición en los márgenes: Estrategias contra la erosión de la democracia en Colombia y Venezuela
L Gamboa
Desafíos 34 (2), 1, 2022
When handpicked successors of charismatic leaders prosper: The surprising success of Juan Manuel Santos in Colombia
C Andrews-Lee, L Gamboa
Democratization 29 (6), 1116-1136, 2022
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Articles 1–20