Slavko Žitnik
Slavko Žitnik
University of Ljubljana, Faculty for computer and information science
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Cited by
The CHEMDNER corpus of chemicals and drugs and its annotation principles
M Krallinger, O Rabal, F Leitner, M Vazquez, D Salgado, Z Lu, R Leaman, ...
Journal of cheminformatics 7, 1-17, 2015
Computer science meets education: Natural language processing for automatic grading of open-ended questions in ebooks
GG Smith, R Haworth, S Žitnik
Journal of educational computing research 58 (7), 1227-1255, 2020
Do PageRank-based author rankings outperform simple citation counts?
D Fiala, L Šubelj, S Žitnik, M Bajec
Journal of Informetrics 9 (2), 334-348, 2015
Target-level sentiment analysis for news articles
S Žitnik, N Blagus, M Bajec
Knowledge-Based Systems 249, 108939, 2022
Process models of interrelated speech intentions from online health-related conversations
EV Epure, D Compagno, C Salinesi, R Deneckere, M Bajec, S Žitnik
Artificial intelligence in medicine 91, 23-38, 2018
Node mixing and group structure of complex software networks
L Šubelj, S Žitnik, N Blagus, M Bajec
Advances in Complex Systems 17 (07n08), 1450022, 2014
Architecture of standard-based, interoperable and extensible IoT platform
S Žitnik, M Janković, K Petrovčič, M Bajec
2016 24th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 1-4, 2016
LOD-connected offensive language ontology and tagset enrichment
B Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, S Žitnik, A Bączkowska, C Liebeskind, ...
CEUR Workshop Proceedings: Proceedings of the Workshops and Tutorials …, 2021
Sieve-based relation extraction of gene regulatory networks from biological literature
S Žitnik, M Žitnik, B Zupan, M Bajec
BMC bioinformatics 16, 1-16, 2015
An integrated explicit and implicit offensive language taxonomy
B Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, A Bączkowska, C Liebeskind, ...
Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19 (1), 7-48, 2023
Social media comparison and analysis: The best data source for research?
N Blagus, S Žitnik
2018 12th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2018
SkipCor: Skip-mention coreference resolution using linear-chain conditional random fields
S Žitnik, L Šubelj, M Bajec
PloS one 9 (6), e100101, 2014
Blockchain-based transaction manager for ontology databases
T Knez, D Gašperlin, M Bajec, S Žitnik
Informatica 33 (2), 343-364, 2022
Annotation scheme and evaluation: The case of OFFENSIVE language
B Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, S Žitnik, C Liebeskind, ...
Rasprave: Časopis Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 49 (1), 155-175, 2023
Extracting gene regulation networks using linear-chain conditional random fields and rules
S Žitnik, M Žitnik, B Zupan, M Bajec
Proceedings of the BioNLP Shared Task 2013 Workshop, 178-187, 2013
Multimodal learning for temporal relation extraction in clinical texts
T Knez, S Žitnik
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 31 (6), 1380-1387, 2024
Event-centric temporal knowledge graph construction: A survey
T Knez, S Žitnik
Mathematics 11 (23), 4852, 2023
Neural coreference resolution for Slovene language
M Klemen, S Žitnik
Computer Science and Information Systems 19 (2), 495-521, 2022
Slovene corpus for aspect-based sentiment analysis-SentiCoref 1.0
S Žitnik
Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, 2019
Collective information extraction using first-order probabilistic models
S Žitnik, L Šubelj, D Lavbič, A Zrnec, M Bajec
Proceedings of the Fifth Balkan Conference in Informatics, 279-282, 2012
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Articles 1–20