paola verrucchi
paola verrucchi
Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi - CNR & Dipartimento di Fisica Universita' di Firenze
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Studying quantum spin systems through entanglement estimators
T Roscilde, P Verrucchi, A Fubini, S Haas, V Tognetti
Physical review letters 93 (16), 167203, 2004
Quantum measurement cooling
L Buffoni, A Solfanelli, P Verrucchi, A Cuccoli, M Campisi
Physical review letters 122 (7), 070603, 2019
Quantum Monte Carlo study of S= 1 2 weakly anisotropic antiferromagnets on the square lattice
A Cuccoli, T Roscilde, V Tognetti, R Vaia, P Verrucchi
Physical Review B 67 (10), 104414, 2003
Entanglement and factorized ground states in two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets
T Roscilde, P Verrucchi, A Fubini, S Haas, V Tognetti
Physical review letters 94 (14), 147208, 2005
Divergence of the entanglement range in low-dimensional quantum systems
L Amico, F Baroni, A Fubini, D Patane, V Tognetti, P Verrucchi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 74 (2), 022322, 2006
The effective potential and effective Hamiltonian in quantum statistical mechanics
A Cuccoli, R Giachetti, V Tognetti, R Vaia, P Verrucchi
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 7 (41), 7891, 1995
Nonperturbative entangling gates between distant qubits using uniform cold atom chains
L Banchi, A Bayat, P Verrucchi, S Bose
Physical review letters 106 (14), 140501, 2011
Optimal dynamics for quantum-state and entanglement transfer through homogeneous quantum systems
L Banchi, TJG Apollaro, A Cuccoli, R Vaia, P Verrucchi
Physical Review A 82 (5), 052321, 2010
Long quantum channels for high-quality entanglement transfer
L Banchi, TJG Apollaro, A Cuccoli, R Vaia, P Verrucchi
New Journal of Physics 13 (12), 123006, 2011
99%-fidelity ballistic quantum-state transfer through long uniform channels
TJG Apollaro, L Banchi, A Cuccoli, R Vaia, P Verrucchi
Physical Review A 85 (5), 052319, 2012
Detection of Behavior in Weakly Anisotropic Quantum Antiferromagnets <?format ?>on the Square Lattice
A Cuccoli, T Roscilde, R Vaia, P Verrucchi
Physical review letters 90 (16), 167205, 2003
Temperature and spin dependent correlation length of the quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the square lattice
A Cuccoli, V Tognetti, R Vaia, P Verrucchi
Physical review letters 77 (16), 3439, 1996
Field-induced XY behavior in the S= 1 2 antiferromagnet on the square lattice
A Cuccoli, T Roscilde, R Vaia, P Verrucchi
Physical Review B 68 (6), 060402, 2003
Quantum thermodynamics in classical phase space
A Cuccoli, V Tognetti, P Verrucchi, R Vaia
Physical Review A 45 (12), 8418, 1992
Two-spin entanglement distribution near factorized states
F Baroni, A Fubini, V Tognetti, P Verrucchi
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (32), 9845, 2007
Reading entanglement in terms of spin configurations in quantum magnets
A Fubini, T Roscilde, V Tognetti, M Tusa, P Verrucchi
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2006
Two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet: Effective-Hamiltonian approach to the thermodynamics
A Cuccoli, V Tognetti, R Vaia, P Verrucchi
Physical Review B 56 (22), 14456, 1997
Noise-resilient variational hybrid quantum-classical optimization
L Gentini, A Cuccoli, S Pirandola, P Verrucchi, L Banchi
Physical Review A 102 (5), 052414, 2020
Quantum thermodynamics of the easy-plane ferromagnetic chain
A Cuccoli, V Tognetti, P Verrucchi, R Vaia
Physical Review B 46 (18), 11601, 1992
Initializing an unmodulated spin chain to operate as a high-quality quantum data bus
A Bayat, L Banchi, S Bose, P Verrucchi
Physical Review A 83 (6), 062328, 2011
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Articles 1–20