Leonardo Goliatt
Cited by
Cited by
Rank‐based ant colony algorithms for truss weight minimization with discrete variables
PVSZ Capriles, LG Fonseca, HJC Barbosa, ACC Lemonge
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 23 (6), 553-575, 2007
A new hybrid AIS-GA for constrained optimization problems in mechanical engineering
HS Bernardino, HJC Barbosa, ACC Lemonge, LG Fonseca
2008 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (IEEE world congress on …, 2008
A lithology identification approach based on machine learning with evolutionary parameter tuning
CM Saporetti, LG da Fonseca, E Pereira
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 16 (12), 1819-1823, 2019
Machine learning approaches for petrographic classification of carbonate-siliciclastic rocks using well logs and textural information
CM Saporetti, LG da Fonseca, E Pereira, LC de Oliveira
Journal of Applied Geophysics 155, 217-225, 2018
Development of a hybrid computational intelligent model for daily global solar radiation prediction
L Goliatt, ZM Yaseen
Expert Systems with Applications 212, 118295, 2023
Hybridized artificial intelligence models with nature-inspired algorithms for river flow modeling: A comprehensive review, assessment, and possible future research directions
H Tao, SI Abba, AM Al-Areeq, F Tangang, S Samantaray, A Sahoo, ...
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 129, 107559, 2024
Predicting material backorders in inventory management using machine learning
RB De Santis, EP de Aguiar, L Goliatt
2017 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI), 1-6, 2017
Covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy for improving machine learning approaches in streamflow prediction
RMA Ikram, L Goliatt, O Kisi, S Trajkovic, S Shahid
Mathematics 10 (16), 2971, 2022
Neural network boosted with differential evolution for lithology identification based on well logs information
CM Saporetti, L Goliatt, E Pereira
Earth Science Informatics 14 (1), 133-140, 2021
Gradient boosting hybridized with exponential natural evolution strategies for estimating the strength of geopolymer self-compacting concrete
SA Basilio, L Goliatt
Knowledge-Based Engineering and Sciences 3 (1), 1-16, 2022
Hybrid machine learning models for estimating total organic carbon from mineral constituents in core samples of shale gas fields
CM Saporetti, DL Fonseca, LC Oliveira, E Pereira, L Goliatt
Marine and Petroleum Geology 143, 105783, 2022
Extreme learning machine combined with a differential evolution algorithm for lithology identification
CM Saporetti, GR Duarte, TL Fonseca, LG da Fonseca, E Pereira
Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada 25 (4), 43-56, 2018
Estimation of natural streams longitudinal dispersion coefficient using hybrid evolutionary machine learning model
L Goliatt, SO Sulaiman, KM Khedher, AA Farooque, ZM Yaseen
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 15 (1), 1298-1320, 2021
Surrogate-assisted clonal selection algorithms for expensive optimization problems
HS Bernardino, HJC Barbosa, LG Fonseca
Evolutionary Intelligence 4, 81-97, 2011
A similarity-based surrogate model for enhanced performance in genetic algorithms
LG Fonseca, HJC Barbosa, ACC Lemonge
Opsearch 46, 89-107, 2009
A dynamic migration policy to the island model
G Duarte, A Lemonge, L Goliatt
2017 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC), 1135-1142, 2017
A study on fitness inheritance for enhanced efficiency in real-coded genetic algorithms
LG Fonseca, ACC Lemonge, HJC Barbosa
2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1-8, 2012
Comparison of machine learning techniques for predicting energy loads in buildings
GR Duarte, LG da Fonseca, P Goliatt, AC de Castro Lemonge
Ambiente Construído 17 (3), 103-115, 2017
On similarity-based surrogate models for expensive single-and multi-objective evolutionary optimization
LG Fonseca, HJC Barbosa, ACC Lemonge
Computational intelligence in expensive optimization problems, 219-248, 2010
Machine learning-based country-level annual air pollutants exploration using Sentinel-5P and Google Earth Engine
B Halder, I Ahmadianfar, S Heddam, ZH Mussa, L Goliatt, ML Tan, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 7968, 2023
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Articles 1–20