Johnatan Oliveira
Cited by
Cited by
A review-based comparative study of bad smell detection tools
E Fernandes, J Oliveira, G Vale, T Paiva, E Figueiredo
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on evaluation and …, 2016
Evaluating domain-specific metric thresholds: an empirical study
A Mori, G Vale, M Viggiato, J Oliveira, E Figueiredo, E Cirilo, P Jamshidi, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Technical Debt, 41-50, 2018
How well do you know this library? mining experts from source code analysis
J Oliveira, M Viggiato, E Figueiredo
Proceedings of the XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 49-58, 2019
An empirical study on the impact of android code smells on resource usage.
J Oliveira, M Viggiato, MF Santos, E Figueiredo, H Marques-Neto
SEKE, 314-313, 2018
How do code changes evolve in different platforms? a mining-based investigation
M Viggiato, J Oliveira, E Figueiredo, P Jamshidi, C Kästner
2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution …, 2019
Mining software repositories to identify library experts
A Santos, M Souza, J Oliveira, E Figueiredo
Proceedings of the VII Brazilian Symposium on Software Components …, 2018
Jexpert: A tool for library expert identification
J Oliveira, D Pinheiro, E Figueiredo
Proceedings of the XXXIV Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 386-392, 2020
Evaluation of duplicated code detection tools in cross-project context
JA de Oliveira, EM Fernandes, E Figueiredo
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution, and …, 2015
Investigating how features of online learning support software process education
E Fernandes, J Oliveira, E Figueiredo
2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-8, 2016
Can source code analysis indicate programming skills? a survey with developers
J Oliveira, M Souza, M Flauzino, R Durelli, E Figueiredo
International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications …, 2022
Mining experts from source code analysis: An empirical evaluation
JA Oliveira, M Viggiato, D Pinheiro, E Figueiredo
Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development 9, 1: 1-1: 16, 2021
Identification and prioritization of reuse opportunities with JReuse
J Oliveira, E Fernandes, G Vale, E Figueiredo
Mastering Scale and Complexity in Software Reuse: 16th International …, 2017
Linus's law: more eyes fewer flaws in open source projects
D Favato, D Ishitani, J Oliveira, E Figueiredo
Proceedings of the XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, 69-78, 2019
Analyzing The Impact Of Feedback In GitHub On The Software Developer's Mood.
MF Santos, JA Caetano, J Oliveira, HTM Neto
SEKE, 445-444, 2018
A method based on naming similarity to identify reuse opportunities
JA de Oliveira
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2016
Estudos do crescimento micelial sobre isolados de Lasiodiplodia theobromae
J Oliveira, ER Alexandre, EKC Silva, RLX Silva, SMA Oliveira
Jornada de ensino, pesquisa e extensão 5, 3, 2010
Code smell detection tool for compositional-based software product lines
R Abilio, G Vale, J Oliveira, E Figueiredo, H Costa
Proceedings of 21th Brazilian Conference on Software, Tools Session, 109-116, 2014
Analyzing the impact of feedback in GitHub on the software developer’s mood
M Freira, J Caetano, J Oliveira, H Marques-Neto
2018 International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering, 2018
On the investigation of domain-sensitive bad smells in information systems
M Viggiato, J Oliveira, E Figueiredo
Anais do XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação, 388-395, 2017
Retrosigmoid approach: a simple and safe way to resect intrinsic pontomedullary lesions
JM González-Darder, P Capilla-Guasch, L Real-Peña
Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base 81 (03), 223-231, 2020
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Articles 1–20