Matt Nobles
Cited by
Cited by
Gender, crime victimization and fear of crime
KA Fox, MR Nobles, AR Piquero
Security Journal 22, 24-39, 2009
Protection Against Pursuit: A Conceptual and Empirical Comparison of Cyberstalking and Stalking Victimization Among a National Sample
MR Nobles, BW Reyns, KA Fox, BS Fisher
Justice Quarterly 31 (6), 986-1014, 2012
Assessing the effect of routine activity theory and self-control on property, personal, and sexual assault victimization
CA Franklin, TW Franklin, MR Nobles, GA Kercher
Criminal Justice and Behavior 39 (10), 1296-1315, 2012
Method behind the madness: An examination of stalking measurements
KA Fox, MR Nobles, BS Fisher
Aggression and Violent Behavior 16 (1), 74-84, 2011
Is stalking a learned phenomenon? An empirical test of social learning theory
KA Fox, MR Nobles, RL Akers
Journal of Criminal Justice 39 (1), 39-47, 2011
Student attitudes toward concealed handguns on campus at 2 universities
MR Cavanaugh, JA Bouffard, W Wells, MR Nobles
American Journal of Public Health 102 (12), 2245-2247, 2012
Effectiveness of residence restrictions in preventing sex offense recidivism
MR Nobles, JS Levenson, TJ Youstin
Crime & Delinquency 58 (4), 491-513, 2012
Look who's stalking: Obsessive pursuit and attachment theory
CL Patton, MR Nobles, KA Fox
Journal of Criminal Justice 38 (3), 282-290, 2010
Community and campus crime: A geospatial examination of the Clery Act
MR Nobles, KA Fox, DN Khey, AJ Lizotte
Crime & Delinquency 59 (8), 1131-1156, 2013
Assessing the generalizability of the near repeat phenomenon
TJ Youstin, MR Nobles, JT Ward, CL Cook
Criminal Justice and Behavior 38 (10), 1042-1063, 2011
Career dimensions of stalking victimization and perpetration
MR Nobles, KA Fox, N Piquero, AR Piquero
Justice Quarterly 26 (3), 476-503, 2009
How many more guns? Estimating the effect of allowing licensed concealed handguns on a college campus
JA Bouffard, MR Nobles, W Wells, MR Cavanaugh
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 27 (2), 316-343, 2012
The Dark Figure of Stalking: Examining Law Enforcement Response
PQ Brady, MR Nobles
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 10.1177/0886260515596979, 2015
A multi-theoretical framework to assess gendered stalking victimization: The utility of self-control, social learning, and control balance theories
KA Fox, MR Nobles, BS Fisher
Justice Quarterly 33 (2), 319-347, 2016
Latino immigrant acculturation and crime
LL Alvarez-Rivera, MR Nobles, KM Lersch
American Journal of Criminal Justice 39, 315-330, 2014
A Gendered Lifestyle-Routine Activity Approach to Explaining Stalking Victimization in Canada
BW Reyns, B Henson, BS Fisher, KA Fox, MR Nobles
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 31 (9), 1719-1743, 2016
The Impact of Neighborhood Context on Spatiotemporal Patterns of Burglary
MR Nobles, JT Ward, R Tillyer
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 10.1177/0022427816647991, 2016
Assessing stalking behaviors in a control balance theory framework
MR Nobles, KA Fox
Criminal Justice and Behavior 40 (7), 737-762, 2013
Are college students really at a higher risk for stalking?: Exploring the generalizability of student samples in victimization research
PQ Brady, MR Nobles, LA Bouffard
Journal of Criminal Justice 52, 12-21, 2017
Non-response bias with a web-based survey of college students: Differences from a classroom survey about carrying concealed handguns
W Wells, MR Cavanaugh, JA Bouffard, MR Nobles
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 28 (3), 455-476, 2012
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Articles 1–20