Correlates and disparities of intention to vaccinate against COVID-19 T Callaghan, A Moghtaderi, JA Lueck, P Hotez, U Strych, A Dor, ... Social science & medicine (1982) 272, 113638, 2021 | 496 | 2021 |
The emergence of COVID-19 in the US: a public health and political communication crisis SE Gollust, RH Nagler, EF Fowler Journal of health politics, policy and law 45 (6), 967-981, 2020 | 306 | 2020 |
Political advertising in the United States EF Fowler, MM Franz, TN Ridout Routledge, 2016 | 190* | 2016 |
Political advertising online and offline EF Fowler, MM Franz, GJ Martin, Z Peskowitz, TN Ridout American Political Science Review 115 (1), 130-149, 2021 | 185 | 2021 |
Correlates and disparities of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy T Callaghan, A Moghtaderi, JA Lueck, PJ Hotez, U Strych, A Dor, ... Available at SSRN 3667971, 2020 | 173 | 2020 |
Negative, angry, and ubiquitous: Political advertising in 2012 EF Fowler, TN Ridout The Forum 10 (4), 51-61, 2013 | 160 | 2013 |
Television news coverage of public health issues and implications for public health policy and practice SE Gollust, EF Fowler, J Niederdeppe Annual Review of Public Health 40 (1), 167-185, 2019 | 153 | 2019 |
Public perceptions of conflicting information surrounding COVID-19: Results from a nationally representative survey of US adults RH Nagler, RI Vogel, SE Gollust, AJ Rothman, EF Fowler, MC Yzer PloS one 15 (10), e0240776, 2020 | 145 | 2020 |
The content and effect of politicized health controversies EF Fowler, SE Gollust The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 658 (1 …, 2015 | 145 | 2015 |
Political advertising in 2016: The presidential election as outlier? E Franklin Fowler, TN Ridout, MM Franz The Forum 14 (4), 445-469, 2016 | 133 | 2016 |
Does local television news coverage cultivate fatalistic beliefs about cancer prevention? J Niederdeppe, EF Fowler, K Goldstein, J Pribble Journal of Communication 60 (2), 230-253, 2010 | 129 | 2010 |
Medical news for the public to use? What’s on local TV news JM Pribble, KM Goldstein, EF Fowler, MJ Greenberg, SK Noel, JD Howell Am J Manag Care 12 (3), 170-176, 2006 | 127 | 2006 |
In a different voice? Explaining the use of men and women as voice-over announcers in political advertising P Strach, K Zuber, EF Fowler, TN Ridout, K Searles Political Communication 32 (2), 183-205, 2015 | 90* | 2015 |
Content and effects of news stories about uncertain cancer causes and preventive behaviors J Niederdeppe, T Lee, R Robbins, HK Kim, A Kresovich, D Kirshenblat, ... Health communication 29 (4), 332-346, 2014 | 90 | 2014 |
Understanding the role of the news media in HPV vaccine uptake in the United States: Synthesis and commentary SE Gollust, SM LoRusso, RH Nagler, EF Fowler Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics 12 (6), 1430-1434, 2016 | 81 | 2016 |
Local television and newspaper coverage of political advertising EF Fowler, TN Ridout Political communication 26 (2), 119-136, 2009 | 74 | 2009 |
Sponsorship, disclosure, and donors: Limiting the impact of outside group ads TN Ridout, MM Franz, EF Fowler Political Research Quarterly 68 (1), 154-166, 2015 | 73 | 2015 |
Controversy undermines support for state mandates on the human papillomavirus vaccine SE Gollust, AF Dempsey, PM Lantz, PA Ubel, EF Fowler Health Affairs 29 (11), 2041-2046, 2010 | 70 | 2010 |
Issue emergence, evolution of controversy, and implications for competitive framing: The case of the HPV vaccine EF Fowler, SE Gollust, AF Dempsey, PM Lantz, PA Ubel The International Journal of Press/Politics 17 (2), 169-189, 2012 | 68 | 2012 |
Political advertising in the 21st century: The rise of the YouTube ad TN Ridout, E Franklin Fowler, J Branstetter APSA 2010 Annual Meeting Paper, 2010 | 66 | 2010 |