Diane Souvaine
Diane Souvaine
Professor of Computer Science & Vice Provost for Research, Tufts University
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Cited by
Staged self-assembly: nanomanufacture of arbitrary shapes with O(1) glues
ED Demaine, ML Demaine, SP Fekete, M Ishaque, E Rafalin, ...
Natural Computing 7, 347-370, 2008
Planar minimally rigid graphs and pseudo-triangulations
R Haas, D Orden, G Rote, F Santos, B Servatius, H Servatius, D Souvaine, ...
Proceedings of the nineteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry …, 2003
On compatible triangulations of simple polygons
B Aronov, R Seidel, D Souvaine
Computational Geometry 3 (1), 27-35, 1993
Computing least median of squares regression lines and guided topological sweep
H Edelsbrunner, DL Souvaine
Journal of the American Statistical Association 85 (409), 115-119, 1990
Computational geometry in a curved world
DP Dobkin, DL Souvaine
Algorithmica 5 (1), 421-457, 1990
Time-and space-efficient algorithms for least median of squares regression
DL Souvaine, JM Steele
Journal of the American Statistical Association 82 (399), 794-801, 1987
An efficient algorithm for guard placement in polygons with holes
I Bjorling-Sachs, DL Souvaine
Discrete & Computational Geometry 13 (1), 77-109, 1995
The floodlight problem
P Bose, L Guibas, A Lubiw, M Overmars, D Souvaine, J Urrutia
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 7 (01n02 …, 1997
Efficient computation of location depth contours by methods of computational geometry
K Miller, S Ramaswami, P Rousseeuw, JA Sellares, D Souvaine, I Streinu, ...
Statistics and Computing 13, 153-162, 2003
Compatible geometric matchings
O Aichholzer, S Bereg, A Dumitrescu, A García, C Huemer, F Hurtado, ...
Computational Geometry 42 (6-7), 617-626, 2009
Data depth: robust multivariate analysis, computational geometry, and applications
RY Liu, RJ Serfling, DL Souvaine
American Mathematical Soc., 2006
Coping with inconsistencies: a new approach to produce quality triangulations of polygonal domains with holes
EA Melissaratos, DL Souvaine
Proceedings of the eighth annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, 202-211, 1992
Decomposition and intersection of simple splinegons
DP Dobkin, DL Souvaine, CJ Van Wyk
Algorithmica 3 (1), 473-485, 1988
An experimental study of old and new depth measures
J Hugg, E Rafalin, K Seyboth, D Souvaine
2006 Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and …, 2006
The aquarium keeper's problem
J Czyzowicz, P Egyed, H Everett, D Rappaport, T Shermer, D Souvaine, ...
Proceedings of the second annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms …, 1991
Disjoint compatible geometric matchings
M Ishaque, DL Souvaine, CD Tóth
Proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual symposium on Computational geometry …, 2011
An intuitive approach to measuring protein surface curvature
RG Coleman, MA Burr, DL Souvaine, AC Cheng
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 61 (4), 1068-1074, 2005
Data Depth: Robust Multivariate Analysis
RY Liu, R Serfling, DL Souvaine
Computational Geometry and Applications 72, 2006
Shortest paths help solve geometric optimization problems in planar regions
EA Melissaratos, DL Souvaine
SIAM Journal on Computing 21 (4), 601-638, 1992
Fast implementation of depth contours using topological sweep
K Miller, S Ramaswami, P Rousseeuw, T Sellarès, D Souvaine, I Streinu, ...
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Articles 1–20