Robin James Smith
Cited by
Cited by
Urban rhythms: Mobilities, space and interaction in the contemporary city
RJ Smith, K Hetherington
The Sociological Review 61 (1_suppl), 4-16, 2013
Care and repair and the politics of urban kindness
T Hall, RJ Smith
Sociology 49 (1), 3-18, 2015
Goffman's Interaction Order at the Margins: Stigma, Role, and Normalization in the Outreach Encounter
RJ Smith
Symbolic Interaction 34 (3), 357-376, 2011
Missed miracles and mystical connections: Qualitative research, digital social science and big data
RJ Smith
Big data? Qualitative approaches to digital research, 181-204, 2014
Stop and go: A field study of pedestrian practice, immobility and urban outreach work
T Hall, RJ Smith
Mobilities 8 (2), 272-292, 2013
No time out: mobility, rhythmicity and urban patrol in the twenty‐four hour city
RJ Smith, T Hall
The Sociological Review 61, 89-108, 2013
Mundane reason, membership categorization practices and the everyday ontology of space and place in interview talk
W Housley, RJ Smith
Qualitative Research 11 (6), 698-715, 2011
Membership categorisation, category-relevant spaces, and perception-in-action: The case of disputes between cyclists and drivers
RJ Smith
Journal of Pragmatics 118, 120-133, 2017
Everyday territories: homelessness, outreach work and city space
RJ Smith, T Hall
The British journal of sociology 69 (2), 372-390, 2018
Evaluating the Foundation Phase: Policy logic model and programme theory
T Maynard, CM Taylor, S Waldron, M Rhys, R Smith, S Power, J Clement
Welsh Government, 2013
Telling the CAQDAS code: Membership categorization and the accomplishment of ‘coding rules’ in research team talk
W Housley, RJ Smith
Discourse Studies 13 (4), 417-434, 2011
Qualitative methods and data in digital societies
W Housley, B Dicks, K Henwood, R Smith
Qualitative Research 17 (6), 607-609, 2017
The ethics of interviewing for discourse analysis: responses to Martyn Hammersley
S Taylor, R Smith
Qualitative Research 14 (5), 542-548, 2014
The practical organisation of space, interaction, and communication in and as the work of crossing a shared space intersection
RJ Smith
Sociologica 11 (2), 0-0, 2017
Innovation and reduction in contemporary qualitative methods: the case of conceptual coupling, activity-type pairs and auto-ethnography
W Housley, RJ Smith
Sociological research online 15 (4), 36-46, 2010
15 Categorisation practices, place, and perception
RJ Smith
On Sacks: Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations, 2020
Visually available order, categorisation practices, and perception-in-action: a running commentary
RJ Smith
Visual Studies 34 (1), 28-40, 2019
Knowing the city: maps, mobility and urban outreach work
T Hall, RJ Smith
Qualitative Research 14 (3), 294-310, 2014
Pedestrian circulations: urban ethnography, the mobilities paradigm and outreach work
RJ Smith, T Hall
Mobilities 11 (4), 498-508, 2016
The lost ethnographies: Methodological insights from projects that never were
RJ Smith, S Delamont
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019
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Articles 1–20