Joe Marks
Joe Marks
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Cited by
Design galleries: A general approach to setting parameters for computer graphics and animation
J Marks, B Andalman, PA Beardsley, W Freeman, S Gibson, J Hodgins, ...
Seminal Graphics Papers: Pushing the Boundaries, Volume 2, 73-84, 2023
Computational complexity, protein structure prediction, and the Levinthal paradox
JT Ngo, J Marks, M Karplus
The protein folding problem and tertiary structure prediction, 433-506, 1994
An empirical study of algorithms for point-feature label placement
J Christensen, J Marks, S Shieber
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 14 (3), 203-232, 1995
Spacetime constraints revisited
JT Ngo, J Marks
Proceedings of the 20th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 1993
The computational complexity of cartographic label placement
J Marks, SM Shieber
Tangible interaction+ graphical interpretation: a new approach to 3D modeling
D Anderson, JL Frankel, J Marks, A Agarwala, P Beardsley, J Hodgins, ...
Proceedings of the 27th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 2000
Human-guided simple search: combining information visualization and heuristic search
D Anderson, E Anderson, N Lesh, J Marks, K Perlin, D Ratajczak, K Ryall
Proceedings of the 1999 workshop on new paradigms in information …, 1999
A general cartographic labelling algorithm
S Edmondson, J Christensen, J Marks, S Shieber
Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and …, 1996
Computational complexity of a problem in molecular structure prediction
JT Ngo, J Marks
Protein Engineering, Design and Selection 5 (4), 313-321, 1992
Automating the layout of network diagrams with specified visual organization
C Kosak, J Marks, S Shieber
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 24 (3), 440-454, 1994
An interactive constraint-based system for drawing graphs
K Ryall, J Marks, S Shieber
Proceedings of the 10th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and …, 1997
Mitigating theme park crowding with incentives and information on mobile devices
A Brown, J Kappes, J Marks
Journal of Travel Research 52 (4), 426-436, 2013
Exhaustive approaches to 2D rectangular perfect packings
N Lesh, J Marks, A McMahon, M Mitzenmacher
Information Processing Letters 90 (1), 7-14, 2004
Automatic design of balanced board games
V Hom, J Marks
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2007
Human-guided search
GW Klau, N Lesh, J Marks, M Mitzenmacher
Journal of Heuristics 16, 289-310, 2010
Human-guided tabu search
GW Klau, N Lesh, J Marks, M Mitzenmacher
AAAI/IAAI, 41-47, 2002
New heuristic and interactive approaches to 2D rectangular strip packing
N Lesh, J Marks, A McMahon, M Mitzenmacher
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) 10, 1.2-es, 2005
A short note on the history of graph drawing
E Kruja, J Marks, A Blair, R Waters
Graph Drawing: 9th International Symposium, GD 2001 Vienna, Austria …, 2002
A parallel genetic algorithm for network-diagram layout
C Kosak
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, 1991, 1991
Building virtual structures with physical blocks
D Anderson, JL Frankel, J Marks, D Leigh, E Sullivan, J Yedidia, K Ryall
Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and …, 1999
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Articles 1–20