Guruprasad KR
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Cited by
Automated multi-agent search using centroidal voronoi configuration
KR Guruprasad, D Ghose
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 8 (2), 420-423, 2011
Heterogeneous locational optimisation using a generalised Voronoi partition
KR Guruprasad, D Ghose
International Journal of Control 86 (6), 977-993, 2013
Distributed Voronoi partitioning for multi-robot systems with limited range sensors
KR Guruprasad, P Dasgupta
2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2012
GM-VPC: An algorithm for multi-robot coverage of known spaces using generalized Voronoi partition
VG Nair, KR Guruprasad
Robotica 38 (5), 845-860, 2020
Performance of a class of multi-robot deploy and search strategies based on centroidal voronoi configurations
KR Guruprasad, D Ghose
International Journal of Systems Science 44 (4), 680-699, 2013
Complete coverage of an initially unknown environment by multiple robots using voronoi partition
KR Guruprasad, Z Wilson, P Dasgupta
Proc. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization …, 2012
MR-SimExCoverage: Multi-robot Simultaneous Exploration and Coverage
VG Nair, KR Guruprasad
Computers & Electrical Engineering 85, 106680, 2020
A Repartitioning Algorithm to Guarantee Complete, Non-overlapping Planar Coverage with Multiple Robots
K Hungerford, P Dasgupta, KR Guruprasad
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems, 33-48, 2016
The COMRADE System for Multirobot Autonomous Landmine Detection in Postconflict Regions
P Dasgupta, J Baca, KR Guruprasad, A Muñoz-Meléndez, J Jumadinova
Journal of Robotics 2015, 2015
CPC algorithm: Exact area coverage by a mobile robot using approximate cellular decomposition
KR Guruprasad, TD Ranjitha
Robotica 39 (7), 1141-1162, 2021
Pseudo Spanning Tree-based Complete and Competitive Robot Coverage using Virtual Nodes
TD Ranjitha, KR Guruprasad
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (1), 195-200, 2016
ST-CTC: a spanning tree-based competitive and truly complete coverage algorithm for mobile robots
KR Guruprasad, TD Ranjitha
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Advances in Robotics, 1-6, 2015
Multi-robot terrain coverage and task allocation for autonomous detection of landmines
P Dasgupta, A Muñoz-Meléndez, KR Guruprasad
SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, 83590H-83590H-14, 2012
EgressBug: a real time path planning algorithm for a mobile robot in an unknown environment
KR Guruprasad
Advanced Computing, Networking and Security, 228-236, 2012
Generalized Voronoi partition: A new tool for optimal placement of base stations
KR Guruprasad
2011 Fifth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Telecommunication …, 2011
Multi-agent Search using Voronoi partitions
KR Guruprasad, D Ghose
Deploy and search strategy for multi-agent systems using Voronoi partitions
KR Guruprasad, D Ghose
Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering, 2007. ISVD'07. 4th …, 2007
Distributed, complete, multi-robot coverage of initially unknown environments using repartitioning
K Hungerford, P Dasgupta, KR Guruprasad
Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on Autonomous agents and …, 2014
Effectiveness-based Voronoi partition: a new tool for solving a class of location optimization problems
KR Guruprasad
Optimization Letters 7 (8), 1733-1743, 2013
Multi-agent search strategy based on centroidal Voronoi configuration
KR Guruprasad, D Ghose
Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, 3550-3555, 2010
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Articles 1–20