Francis Chin
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Cited by
IDBA-UD: a de novo assembler for single-cell and metagenomic sequencing data with highly uneven depth
Y Peng, HCM Leung, SM Yiu, FYL Chin
Bioinformatics 28 (11), 1420-1428, 2012
Meta-IDBA: a de Novo assembler for metagenomic data
Y Peng, HCM Leung, SM Yiu, FYL Chin
Bioinformatics 27 (13), i94-i101, 2011
IDBA–a practical iterative de Bruijn graph de novo assembler
Y Peng, HCM Leung, SM Yiu, FYL Chin
Research in Computational Molecular Biology: 14th Annual International …, 2010
Efficient parallel algorithms for some graph problems
FY Chin, J Lam, IN Chen
Communications of the ACM 25 (9), 659-665, 1982
Auditing and inference control in statistical databases
FY Chin, G Ozsoyoglu
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 574-582, 1982
Cellular adhesiveness and cellulolytic capacity in Anaerolineae revealed by omics-based genome interpretation
Y Xia, Y Wang, Y Wang, FYL Chin, T Zhang
Biotechnology for Biofuels 9, 1-13, 2016
Packing squares into a square
JYT Leung, TW Tam, CS Wong, GH Young, FYL Chin
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 10 (3), 271-275, 1990
Predicting Protein Complexes from PPI Data: A Core-Attachment Approach
SMYFYLC Henry C.M. Leung, Qian Xiang
Journal of Computational Biology 16 (2), 133-144, 2009
IDBA-tran: a more robust de novo de Bruijn graph assembler for transcriptomes with uneven expression levels
Y Peng, HCM Leung, SM Yiu, MJ Lv, XG Zhu, FYL Chin
Bioinformatics 29 (13), i326-i334, 2013
Approximation of polygonal curves with minimum number of line segments or minimum error
WS Chan, F Chin
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 6 (01), 59-77, 1996
Finding the medial axis of a simple polygon in linear time
F Chin, J Snoeyink, CA Wang
Discrete & Computational Geometry 21, 405-420, 1999
MetaCluster 5.0: a two-round binning approach for metagenomic data for low-abundance species in a noisy sample
Y Wang, HCM Leung, SM Yiu, FYL Chin
Bioinformatics 28 (18), i356-i362, 2012
Finding the medial axis of a simple polygon in linear time
F Chin, J Snoeyink, CA Wang
Algorithms and Computations: 6th International Symposium, ISAAC'95 Cairns …, 1995
Algorithms for updating minimal spanning trees
F Chin, D Houck
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 16 (3), 333-344, 1978
Statistical database design
FY Chin, G Ozsoyoglu
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 6 (1), 113-139, 1981
General schedulers for the pinwheel problem based on double-integer reduction
MY Chan, FYL Chin
IEEE Transactions on Computers 41 (06), 755-768, 1992
Schedulers for larger classes of pinwheel instances
MY Chan, F Chin
Algorithmica 9, 425-462, 1993
Voting algorithms for discovering long motifs
FYL Chin, HCM Leung
Proceedings of the 3rd asia-pacific bioinformatics conference, 261-271, 2005
A simple algorithm for the constrained sequence problems
FYL Chin, A De Santis, AL Ferrara, NL Ho, SK Kim
Information Processing Letters 90 (4), 175-179, 2004
Optimal algorithms for the intersection and the minimum distance problems between planar polygons
F Chin, CA Wang
IEEE Transactions on Computers 32 (12), 1203-1207, 1983
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Articles 1–20