Lucio Baccaro
Lucio Baccaro
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
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Rethinking comparative political economy: the growth model perspective
L Baccaro, J Pontusson
Politics & society 44 (2), 175-207, 2016
Trajectories of neoliberal transformation: European industrial relations since the 1970s
L Baccaro, C Howell
Cambridge University Press, 2017
A common neoliberal trajectory: The transformation of industrial relations in advanced capitalism
L Baccaro, C Howell
Politics & Society 39 (4), 521-563, 2011
Institutional determinants of unemployment in OECD countries: Does the deregulatory view hold water?
L Baccaro, D Rei
International Organization 61 (3), 527-569, 2007
Political economy of the sovereign debt crisis: The limits of internal devaluation
K Armingeon, L Baccaro
Industrial law journal 41 (3), 254-275, 2012
The politics of labour movement revitalization: The need for a revitalized perspective
L Baccaro, K Hamann, L Turner
European Journal of Industrial Relations 9 (1), 119-133, 2003
What is Alive and What is Dead in the Theory of Corporatism
L Baccaro
British journal of industrial relations 41 (4), 683-706, 2003
Policy concertation in Europe: Understanding government choice
L Baccaro, M Simoni
Comparative Political Studies 41 (10), 1323-1348, 2008
Throwing out the ballast: growth models and the liberalization of German industrial relations
L Baccaro, C Benassi
Socio-economic review 15 (1), 85-115, 2017
Social pacts as coalitions of the weak and moderate: Ireland, Italy and South Korea in comparative perspective
L Baccaro, SH Lim
European Journal of Industrial Relations 13 (1), 27-46, 2007
The sorrows of young Euro: The sovereign debt crises of Ireland and Southern Europe
K Armingeon, L Baccaro
Coping with crisis: Government reactions to the great recession, 162-197, 2012
Are some negotiators better than others? Individual differences in bargaining outcomes
HA Elfenbein, JR Curhan, N Eisenkraft, A Shirako, L Baccaro
Journal of research in personality 42 (6), 1463-1475, 2008
Civil society, NGOs, and decent work policies: Sorting out the issues
L Baccaro
International Institute for Labour Studies, 2001
The construction of “democratic” corporatism in Italy
L Baccaro
Politics & Society 30 (2), 327-357, 2002
Diminishing returns: The new politics of growth and stagnation
L Baccaro, M Blyth, J Pontusson
Oxford University Press, 2022
Pathology of path dependency? The ILO and the challenge of new governance
L Baccaro, V Mele
ILR Review 65 (2), 195-224, 2012
Centralized wage bargaining and the “Celtic Tiger” phenomenon
L Baccaro, M Simoni
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 46 (3), 426-455, 2007
Civil society meets the state: towards associational democracy?*
L Baccaro
Socio-Economic Review 4 (2), 185-208, 2006
Social blocs and growth models: An analytical framework with Germany and Sweden as illustrative cases
L Baccaro, J Pontusson
Université de Genčve, 2019
Negotiating the Italian pension reform with the unions: lessons for corporatist theory
L Baccaro
ILR Review 55 (3), 413-431, 2002
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Articles 1–20