Miroslav Čapek
Miroslav Čapek
Institute of Vertebrate Biology AS CR, v. v. i.
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Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku
Š Danko, A Darolová, A Krištín, M Balla, M Čapek, M Demko, M Fulín, ...
Veda, Bratislava, 2002
Are blackcaps current winners in the evolutionary struggle against the common cuckoo?
M Honza, P Procházka, BG Stokke, A Moksnes, E Røskaft, M Čapek, ...
Journal of Ethology 22, 175-180, 2004
Ticks of the Hyalomma marginatum complex transported by migratory birds into Central Europe
M Capek, I Literak, E Kocianova, O Sychra, T Najer, A Trnka, P Kverek
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 5 (5), 489-493, 2014
Fauna ČR. Ptáci 3
K Šťastný, K Hudec, T Albrecht, V Bejček, S Bureš, J Cepák, M Čapek, ...
Academia, Praha, 2011
How to hatch from an egg of great structural strength. A study of the common cuckoo
M Honza, J Picman, T Grim, V Novák, M Čapek Jr, V Mrlík
Journal of Avian Biology 32 (3), 249-255, 2001
Usutu Virus in Blackbirds (Turdus merula), Czech Republic, 2011–2012
Z Hubálek, I Rudolf, M Čapek, T Bakonyi, L Betášová, N Nowotny
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 61 (3), 273–276, 2012
New feather mites of the subfamily Pterodectinae (Acari: Astigmata: Proctophyllodidae) from passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
SV Mironov, I Literak, M Capek
Zootaxa 1947, 1-38, 2008
Nest defence, enemy recognition and nest inspection behaviour of experimentally parasitized Reed Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus.
M Honza, T Grim, M Capek Jr, A Moksnes, E R⊘ skaft
Bird Study 51, 256-263, 2004
Bacteria of the genus Rickettsia in ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) collected from birds in Costa Rica
M Ogrzewalska, I Literák, M Capek, O Sychra, VÁ Calderón, ...
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 6, 478-482, 2015
Do nest light conditions affect rejection of parasitic eggs? A test of the light environment hypothesis
M Honza, P Procházka, K Morongová, M Čapek, V Jelínek
Ethology 117 (6), 539-546, 2011
Host generalists and specialists emerging side by side: an analysis of evolutionary patterns in the cosmopolitan chewing louse genus Menacanthus
J Martinů, O Sychra, I Literák, M Čapek, DL Gustafsson, J Štefka
International Journal for Parasitology 45 (1), 63-73, 2015
Blood parasites (Haemoproteus and microfilariae) in birds from the Caribbean slope of Costa Rica
V Benedikt, V Barus, M Capek, M Havlicek, I Literak
Acta Parasitologica 54 (3), 197-204, 2009
Eye trematode infection in small passerines in Peru caused by Philophthalmus lucipetus, an agent with a zoonotic potential spread by an invasive freshwater snail.
I Literák, P Heneberg, J Sitko, EJ Wetzel, JMC Callirgos, M Čapek, ...
Parasitology International 62, 390-396, 2013
Rickettsia bellii in ticks Amblyomma varium Koch, 1844 from birds in Peru.
M Ogrzewalska, I Literak, JM Cardenas-Callirgos, M Capek, MB Labruna
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 3 (4), 254-256, 2012
A Rickettsia parkeri-like agent infecting Amblyomma calcaratum nymphs from wild birds in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
M Ogrzewalska, T Martins, M Capek, I Literak, MB Labruna
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 4, 145–147, 2013
New feather mites of the subfamily Pterodectinae (Acari: Proctophyllodidae) from passerines and woodpeckers (Aves: Passeriformes and Piciformes) in Vietnam
S Mironov, I Literak, NM Hung, M Capek
Zootaxa 3440 (1), 1–49-1–49, 2012
Migration distance and the effect of North Atlantic Oscillation on the spring arrival of birds in Central Europe
Z Hubálek, M Čapek
Folia Zoologica 57 (3), 212-220, 2008
Repeated presentations of the common cuckoo increase nest defense by the Eurasian reed warbler but do not induce it to make recognition errors
M Čapek, M Požgayová, P Procházka, M Honza
Condor 112 (4), 763-769, 2010
Chewing lice (Phthiraptera) from wild birds in Senegal, with descriptions of three new species of the genera Brueelia and Philopteroides
T Najer, O Sychra, I Literák, P Procházka, M Čapek, P Koubek
Acta Parasitologica 57 (1), 90-98, 2012
Common cuckoo females are not choosy when removing an egg during parasitism
M Šulc, P Procházka, M Capek, M Honza
Behavioral Ecology, arw085, 2016
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Články 1–20