Michal Bauer
Michal Bauer
CERGE-EI and Charles University
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Can War Foster Cooperation?
M Bauer, C Blattman, J Chytilová, J Henrich, E Miguel, T Mitts
Journal of Economic Perspectives 30 (3), 249 - 74, 2016
War’s Enduring Effects on the Development of Egalitarian Motivations and In-Group Biases
M Bauer, A Cassar, J Chytilová, J Henrich
Psychological science 25 (1), 47-57, 2014
Behavioral Foundations of Microcredit: Experimental and Survey Evidence from Rural India
M Bauer, J Chytilová, J Morduch
The American Economic Review 102 (2), 1118-1139, 2012
Attention Discrimination: Theory and Field Experiments with Monitoring Information Acquisition
V Bartos, M Bauer, J Chytilová, F Matějka
The American Economic Review 106 (6), 1437 - 75, 2016
Parental background and other-regarding preferences in children
M Bauer, J Chytilová, B Pertold-Gebicka
Experimental Economics 17 (1), 24-46, 2014
War increases religiosity
J Henrich, M Bauer, A Cassar, J Chytilová, BG Purzycki
Nature human behaviour 3 (2), 129-135, 2019
The impact of education on subjective discount rate in ugandan villages
M Bauer, J Chytilová
Economic Development and Cultural Change 58 (4), 643-669, 2010
Trusting former rebels: An experimental approach to understanding reintegration after civil war
M Bauer, N Fiala, I Levely
The Economic Journal 128 (613), 1786-1819, 2018
Communicating doctors’ consensus persistently increases COVID-19 vaccinations
V Bartoš, M Bauer, J Cahlíková, J Chytilová
Nature 606, 542–54, 2022
Covid-19 Crisis and Hostility against Foreigners
V Bartoš, M Bauer, J Cahlíková, J Chytilová
European Economic Review, 2021
Women, Children and Patience: Experimental Evidence from Indian Villages
M Bauer, J Chytilová
Review of Development Economics 17 (4), 662-675, 2013
Social contagion of ethnic hostility
M Bauer, J Cahlíková, J Chytilová, T Želinský
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (19), 4881-4886, 2018
Psychological effects of poverty on time preferences
V Bartoš, M Bauer, J Chytilová, I Levely
The Economic Journal 131 (638), 2357-2382, 2021
Using survey questions to measure preferences: Lessons from an experimental validation in Kenya
M Bauer, J Chytilová, E Miguel
European Economic Review 127, 103493, 2020
Dopady pandemie koronaviru na duševní zdraví
V Bartoš, J Cahlikova, M Bauer, J Chytilová
Nastiness in Groups
M Bauer, J Cahlíková, D Celik Katreniak, J Chytilová, L Cingl, T Želinský
Journal of the European Economic Association, jvad072, 2023
Shifting punishment onto minorities: Experimental evidence of scapegoating
M Bauer, J Cahlíková, J Chytilová, G Roland, T Želinský
The Economic Journal 133 (652), 1626-1640, 2023
Effects of Education on Determinants of High Desired Fertility: Evidence from Ugandan Villages
M Bauer, J Chytilová, P Streblov
AUCO Czech Economic Review 1 (3), 286-301, 2007
Attention discrimination: Theory and field experiments
V Bartos, M Bauer, J Chytilová, F Matějka
CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, 2013
Time discounting, education, and growth: Evidence and a simple model
M Bauer, J Chytilová
Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver) 59 (1), 71-86, 2009
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